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Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, 201. My life, one photo a day

A good cowboy takes care of his mount. It's no different in the city either. The trusty beast took care of both of us on some rough hills this morning. The weather was perfect for a long morning ride. Some coffee, breakfast, and great company made for a great time. A gallon in and I"m good for another 100 or so miles.... Miles

May 30, 2010 My life, one photo a day

It was chilly on the porch of the Cliff House winery. Of course it was up at 8200 feet too. The Pinot Noir was crisp as the breeze as we looked out at Pikes Peak in the distance. it certainly isn't a view that comes along often. Not for a Texas boy anyway. MIles

Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Table for 4. A wonderful time was had at Touhami's. Great food, great conversation, super friends. It just goes to show you that sometimes you take a chance and find great people. Cheers to Morocco. MIles

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Fast food at the airport in Houston. So many people putting on the feedbag. How and why have we become such a culture on the run. Everything we do is rushed and on the move. Do you think we would explode if we sat still for a few minutes...? Miles

May 27, 2010. My life, one photo a day

The Thursday before Memorial Day is not the best time to travel. The security line at Denver International Airport was about a mile long. It stretched around baggage claim and into another terminal. Amazing. The horror and panic was evident on the faces of those who rounded the corner knowing they were going to miss their flights. There are just too many people everywhere I have decided.... Miles

May 26, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Being a filmmaker does have it's perks. Getting to explore remote places is one of them. Here I am filming my lovely collegue Katarina near Buffalo Bills Grave. It was a great setting just outside of Denver. I am sure Spielberg would be proud.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 25, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Inner Spaceman. You truly don't have to go far to find monsters. What would a Penan tribesman think if he looked up and saw this guy? I would run for the nearest tree and do some yelling. I know I did. He would also think the traffic sucked too but that's another story. Downtown is always an interesting place in every city. Another planet from the places most of us grew up and live now. Maybe that's why I feel so at home in the bowels of a city.... Miles

Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Denver Light Rail. The Movie. 1:14 of shear perfection. George Lucas is in trouble. Miles is now a filmmaker...... ACTION... Miles

jMay 23, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Sometimes the strangest things happen in the most common of places. This rather plain gent was a spy of some kind. No seriously. He looked too plain for the market on Sunday morning. What you can't see is the hole in his little black bag with a video camera sticking out. This partner was a homeless buy who also had a similar bag sitting on a bench a few yards away. BEWARE there are eyes everywhere.... MIles

Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 22, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Straight from the horses mouth. The time is now. Don't wait for another minute, do your dream. Blah Blah Blah....haven't you heard that before a million times. I think the truth is you decide whether or not you want what you want more than you don't want what you want. FACT: most people never take the time to ID what it is that makes them happy. So, it's obvious to me that we usually skip a step in the process and never can understand the cliche to begin with. So take the time and get your shit together.... You know who you are.... Miles..

May 21, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Caution Caution. Good advice sometimes for all of us. Archie is working on the tracks just outside the veranda of noise. From a distance he seems like a friendly fellow. Always waving as the trains slow to go be the work. I guess there are people who put in a days work in the evening on a Friday too. Just remember think hard about jumping in the dark. Stay tuned for the nonprofit site "Saycheeseworld". Miles

May 20, 2010. My life, one photo day

A grand evening at the Market on Larimer. A glass of wine and a friendly crowd. Touhami was next to me and was a delightful fellow. Who knows maybe working on a Moroccan school is somewhere in the future. Cheers to those people who take a chance and open up the conversation. MIles

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Twilight in the wilderness. By the lake in Lakewood watching the darkness creep in. Shortly, after several funnel clouds snaked down from the top clouds and danced for a few short minutes and disappeared. All in all a very good way to end a good day. Miles

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18, 2010. My life, one photo a day

The liberals are out in force in Colorado. There are Pot markets on every corner and now a musical. Go figure kinda takes the fun out of the dime bag doesn't it. Gotta go and check on my prescription for cannibas for my swollen toe.... and I"m hungry..Miles

May17, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Spring keeps teasing me in front of Noise. Sometimes it's warm and most of the time it isn't. At least the flowers think they know what is going on. Sometimes. Color is out and things are blooming in the North country..... Miles

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 16, 2010. My life, one photo a day

It seems the world often changes just for the sake of change. For some reason we cannot seem to accept the possibility that what is already there is the best there is. Take Dirty Martin's Burgers for instance, it's old, it's a bit dark, it's got no calorie chart on the wall, no tofu burger, no WiFi, and no playground. The Burgers are greasy enough to make the buns soggy if you don't hurry and the onion rings are thick and heavy. It just doesn't get better than that... Miles

Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Youth and purity will always prevail, even in the face of a cold water nose and an algae covered bird bath. Nothing is more beautiful than the essence of joy preformed by perfection. Never, Never forget that the battle scars of age and experience provide a more real view of what life is really all about. Miles

May 14, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Green, wild, quiet, and strangely familiar. That's the view tonight from a long forgotten time. The fence, the view and the sounds all remind me of a simple time when dreams where vivid and pathways were well marked. It was amazing to sit on that porch again and think of past lives. As my friend in LA once said, "it's all good". Miles

Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 13, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Casey has been with Whole Foods for 17 years and loves the job. She was even in Denver for a few years opening a store. It was quite the show at the wine tasting booth. A little Essay for me and some Tomahawk for her.....the super chiller was spot on... Miles

May 12, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Takki, is standing in front of his meat. Yeap, Sushi is a great thing....Miles

May 11, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Do you ever want to be different but somehow get tagged by something that made you feel the same as everyone else? I have come to appreciate those who dare to be different and stand out from the herd. Even if only for a little while....they reach for what is inside and push and pull it into the light....Don't let the stripes around your belly define you for the rest of your life...Miles

May 10, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Only to be nestled in with a group of Alaph photographers for enternity...... I hear there is a Dallas PPA like that. Do you ever wonder who looks at some of those photos? Me too. They are truly amazing....Miles

Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9, 2010. My life, one photo a day

There is something mildly calming about crushing a tomato with a sledge hammer. Ok, just a little but a great stress release none the less. A bright sunny day and some exploding vegetables. Stay tuned for the "sledge-o-matic food processor video on you tube. Enjoy and reach for it all....Miles.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 8, 2010. My life, one photo a day

My identical twin, Indigo, is always looking for the a more precise way to do things. Occasionally, he comes up with a very resourceful idea. I mean really, who ever uses a meat cleaver for meat anymore.....Miles

May 7, 2010. My life one photo a day

Some symbols endure through the ages. On a corner off of Santa Fe in Denver. Art walk night. Could we wish for anything more? Miles

May 6, 2010. My life, one photo a day

A simple masterpiece. Courtney and Kevin. In a ceiling tin frame. Fabulous. Miles

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010. My life, one photo a day

I'm proclaiming a new phrase, "Flash Travel". If you have heard it before please keep it to yourself. I can't stand disappointment. it perfectly describes the last few weeks of my life. Whether it's by land, sea, or air, it's all been "Flash Travel". In Odessa tonight, the details are very strange and distressing but that's another story. Something comforting about travel is every once in awhile you find something that fits the place and the time. That was JO JO's tonight. A greasy cheesy with some fries and onion rings. Now that is home cookin.... MIles

May 4, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Color is a funny thing. Most of us desperately need it and a few have too much. Some of us dream in color and some are the black and white kinda deal. What is it for you? Me, I dream in color, but mainly I think it's because I never got the 128 box of Crayola crayons as a kid. Today it's about a little too much color.....too many to chose from is freezing me up a little. Maybe we should all decide to use that standard 16 pak of crayons for a couple of weeks and make sure we don't miss how truly beautiful a bright red or a kelly green really is? Miles

May 3, 2010. My Life, one photo a day

Spring is still trying to fight it's way out of the quagmire of winter in the Rockies. Flowers gasping for light outside Noise. Life is hard sometimes in the concrete jungle. Miles

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 2, 2010 My life, one photo a day

It has been said that dogs often look like their owners. I found out today that it is also true of Llamas. Jimmy is the spitting image (no pun intended) of the tall fellow in the back. Complete with assorted freckles and rather expansive ears. The only real obvious difference was the soiled "Makin Bacon" hat on Jimmy's head and the corny dog of course. If you have a pet please be sure to take a look at both of you in the mirror. If needed please bring yourself up to standard. Miles.

May 1, 2010, My life, one photo a day

In celebration of the 1st day of May, and every day there after..... The lights were on and the goodies were out. It still amazes me how a little bit of sunshine can lift the spirits and make most things good. Mosquitos on the other hand are a different story. So, no matter where you are, life your glasses to sunshine and light. Miles

Saturday, May 1, 2010

April 30, 2010 My life, One Photo a day

Some people travel light and some people don't. It's really a matter of how you pack. Mobile warehouses are becoming more and more popular and this one was one of the trend setters. We stood next to a woman who called her husband and said she just bought a trailer and wanted to know if the truck would pull it. He told her to take a picture of the hitch and send it to him....wonder what he is thinking now. Miles

April 29, 2010 My life, one photo a day

Its not about what you have,...its about what you leave behind. In this case its a stick it on the side of the Cajun bakery in Nachitoches Louisiana. The road is a strange place really....everyone moving quickly to a place there they are at yet..... Beware of the stick its. Don't forget to send in the find. Miles