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Monday, September 26, 2011

Rodeo Sushi

Mesquite is known for a lot of things...Ok, well not that many except maybe the rodeo and the French Club banquet.... One thing that still makes me laugh is it has one of the tastiest sushi restaurants I have ever been to. Those that know me will understand my craving for the naked bounty of the sea. In Mesquite? Seriously? Kaze by Towneast Mall. This is the Eric special. Great company helps...but the food is awesome.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Here is the first installment of moments on the Playa. There will be 4 of them so please take a look and enjoy. Here is the youtube link.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wildlife Shoot in the wilds of Colorado

What started out as a magazine shoot ended up as a total cluster. The equipment didn't show up...half the models left and the wardrobe was half there. The location and the weather were fabulous. So a few of the Colorado wildlife stayed around to brave the conditions. Morgan and Nick

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15 Trailer Park Dinning

You really have to love the food trailers in Austin. I am making the rounds now and will report my findings. There are seemly millions but actually only a whole bunch. Here is today's find. Fliphappy near Zilker...Crepes of course. The pulled pork with white Cheddar is excellent.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm not sure if you believe in Signs from above but this one is big. I have heard of the LInguini Love Sign when I was locked in the Abby in Scaldonia but I never believed it was TRUE. Yet, just two nights ago it appeared. As the waitress picked up my plate...there is was at Romeos no less. After two days of exhausting research I have concluded it is in the same ballpark as the seas parting, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and the albino two headed gopher. NOW, what does it mean....other than I am an amazing slob. Please help....tell what is in the stars....

Friday, September 9, 2011

September 9, Murals and such in New Mexico

Again the State of New Mexico surprises me. What is it about murals in the hispanic culture. I love them. Why don't we see more of them than the taggers....wimps. This one was on a board in a back alley parking lot in Las Vegas....New Mexico that is. HUGE and Bright.

I found another desolate road in New Mexico on the way back from Colorado. New Mexico 104 out of Las Vegas. Great surprise at the corner....


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Burning Man. Come on baby light my fire

Some things are just too much to believe even on the playa. To all those imaginations that are too much to believe.

The Dog Crew and the my dog crew. It's hard to believe you can find Heaven in the desert but it's possible. This is the end of our Spa Day at Camp Fiasco. 1000 hot dogs and two of my dogs......Thanks Rox.