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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Just, what does it mean?

I am sitting in a little coffee shop in Canton, Texas this morning and doing some writing.  It's been a crazy few weeks in my life.  I beginning to think it has something to do with the full moon right behind the lunar eclipse thing that happened and then of course Venus crossing the sun.  (I thought my computer screen has speck of Ketchup on it).  Over the last few years I have been using a computer to write about things.  The cool thing about that is that I can always read my writing.  And of course if I end up with something too crazy on those long lonely nights, it has a great eraser....  The coolest thing for me is that it counts words.  So over the last couple of years I have been able to sum up my year or life in a number of words.  Milestones if you will.  This year word 100,000 came this morning around 1:30 AM.  Don't ask why I was up but I was.   The word was "JUST".   Last year was LIFE.  Just is a very good word I think.  It's short.  Only 4 letters like love, life, more, ours, and fart.    All in all a very good word.    But it can come back to bite you too.  JUST what?  Just stop ..doing something, Just start....  JUST forget or forgive....or maybe JUST remember.    For me it signals action of some kind.

For all of you out there living your lives....I wish that you would JUST forget the bad and focus on the good, JUST stop worrying about what you can't change and JUST realize that chance plays JUST as much of a role in life as choice, so JUST enjoy the ride.   JUST stop blaming other people and celebrate those people in your life that you love.  JUST give them a little kiss to remind yourself JUST how lucky you are.

JUST try it and see.
