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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Five Star Crossing

Upper echelon titans of industry and congressional types travel all the time.  Nothing short of the best for those VIP characters.  I'm sure they were thinking about the titanic or some other news worthy disaster when they visited the "Last Frontier" out here in the Big Bend.  The crossing at Boquillas on the row boat and the donkey ride up the hill might have gotten their attention.  But I guess these power players are used to row boats and donkeys.   These guys were actually heading to Mexico and not leaving the country post election.  To there credit they had in some way contributed to the magnificent wildlife preserve just across the river in Mexico called the El Carmen Land and Conservation Project.  400,000 acres of pristine high desert with no grazing.  There are bighorn sheep, elk, bear, mule and whitetail deer and mountain lion roaming free and natural in this amazing place.  I was on board as the medical support for this group along with the Mexican equivalent of the Green Berets as bodyguards.  The need for both of us became evident watching them hunt quail.  Don't think anything of it....hunting on the conservation land....the quail were not in any danger.  It's good to know that maybe some people are still interested in preserving what is left.  Who knows, maybe on there next visit they may take advantage of the hospitality industry glut on in the region.
It's a new beginning I think.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Last High Board

The pool at the City Park was a very symmetrical hard concrete hole in the ground.  It usually received a new paint job each summer before opening to the enthusiastic locals.  I know that because I lived just a few hundred yards from the concrete monster.  It was sort of a scary place for me.  I wasn’t a good swimmer then and it got deep really quick.  “The ROPE”, was the place of drown or move.  You could never ever hold onto the “ROPE”.  The rope was those huge faded buoys that separated the shallow from the deep.  The City Park pool had one amazing thing....A high board.  Back then it seemed really high and scary.  Only the most daredevil at heart or the those really young water bugs seemed to enjoy it.  I would make myself jump once a visit.  Since I didn’t go much as I wasn’t allowed to go alone.  “Whatever”.  It scared the shit out of me.  

High boards are gone now.  I can’t remember the last time I saw one anywhere.  Lawsuits, litigation, and carelessness have doomed them.  Just like most of the things we grew up with.  So, I was feeling the need to blow some bubbles and when you live in Terlingua Texas ....bubbles usually a long way away except for Balmorhea State Park.  Built in the 1930’s by those awesome civilian conservation corp dudes. It’s a big natural spring and now is a pool of sorts.  And yes....no lifeguard and a high board.  Seemed like it was higher in the old days but a high board no doubt.  So, just know if you ever get the chance or the need to get that wedgy enema , there is still one out there.