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Thursday, May 18, 2017

One Photo # 95, Contrast

What a 48 hours on the Yellowstone.  So much snow here all of the sudden for a Texas guy.  Considering what I left a few weeks ago....104 at the ranch and then to this.   For some reason it caused me to start thinking about contrast...in photos, in evening sunsets, and in life.  I can say I've had a few.  Maybe about 6 lifetimes now all rolled up into one.  How about you?  

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

One Photo # 94, Natural Selection

If Darwin were to find the perfect sample of his "natural selection" idea and looked under the microscope to examine it, he would almost certainly see Yellowstone in the summer.  That is when the intelligence hierarchy and the food chain sort of get messed up.  Big bears....protective momma bears.....fast and strong.....bears, would be somewhere maybe in the middle of the mix.   You would think that a human who was smart enough to drive a car and work a big high dollar camera, would be at the top or near.  I have to love the giant tortoise on this one.  Anyway, you make your own judgement based on your own set of criteria from the photo.  Please note the direction of travel of the biggest bear.  I have to believe that Darwin is pointing....and laughing.

Monday, May 8, 2017

One Photo # 93, Wolves in the Valley

I have already written about the trials and tribulations of great wildlife photographers.  Dedicated, focused sacrifice to get the hard to find shots.  Remember?   Well, this one was on my way to get a belt in West Yellowstone.  Just off the Madison River Valley.   And no, this time I didn't even get out of the truck.  Perhaps it's a sign?  Should I give up the bandages, urinals, and stethoscope ?  

One Photo # 92, Thrill of the Hunt

Great photos are made with patience, determination, and skill.  In the vein of the great wildlife photographers like Art Wolfe or Nick Nichols, one has to be constantly be working and sweating to get the shot.  You must know your subject in and out, be willing to spend hours in harsh conditions and stillness to find that elusive prey.  OR, you can be driving to Cody to get toilet paper and drive right be these sheep sitting on the road.  Someone had to point to them as you drive around the guy stopped in the road only slightly miffed at the situation.  I even had to turn the radio down and put down my coffee to get this one.  And YES,   I did get out of the truck.  So it goes in Yellowstone.....

Thursday, May 4, 2017

One Photo # 91, What is your Sign

They are everywhere.  Signs....slow down, yield, speed limit, safety corridor, and of course my favorite...Rough Break Ahead.  Really?  I have to find that out by a "Sign"?  Of course....If only someone would have given me this much notice........

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

One Photo # 90, Back Home in Yellowstone

It's been a couple of years since my time in Yellowstone.  Now I'm here for another summer and it feels like home.  New faces of course, but the landscape and a ton of snow do not hide the beauty of this place.  I have taken a little break from the evils of social media and enjoyed some diving and a mega road trip all leading to here.  If you have never been here you should come.  If you come to the Canyon District, bring your snow boots and some La Crema Chardonnay.  I'm might be running low.  More to follow.