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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Diani Beach Massage Monster

Anyone wondering if I’m still alive…I am.  Anyway not wondering if I’m still alive…I am.  On the East coast of Kenya at one if not the most beautiful beach I have ever seen.  In keeping with tradition, I have gone out in search of the cheapest beach massage on earth.  While I did not find it here, I have again ventured into the twilight zone of massage therapy.   This experience was dutifully provided by Mercy.  Kenya seems to have an excessive amount of Mercy’s.  Hum.  I wonder how much Mercy is too much?  Anyway, Mercy was of stout local stock.  Large hands and big feet.  I noticed this while I was gasping for air in the completely enclosed sweat box they call a massage room.  I felt like Steve McQueen in the Great Escape Scene, if anyone is still alive to remember that one….  Mercy’s signature move was an underhanded sort of slap that she didn’t hesitate to use on any, “non core” appendage, if you know what I mean.  Now this was not all unappreciated because Mercy’s rather large hands, were capable of making lava rock smooth.  Number 3 grit Home Depot sandpaper hand nothing on her.   After being exfoliated to the bone, I have decided the “man hater” slap was appreciated in every way.   It was a bit hard to relax given the circumstances, made somewhat worse by Mercy attempting to book the next massage with me no less than 11 times in one hour.    In the end I told Mercy that I would think about it, knowing as somewhat of a medical guy, that my skin would need some time to regenerate a superficial layer.    And so it goes….Diani Beach, East coast of Kenya at Kenyaways.   Come on down.  

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Elephant in the Room

Let's just talk for a minute about the elephant in the room.   Double elephant charge in Meru National Park, Kenya.