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Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31, 2009 My life, one photo a day

The light from the New Year's train is seen steaming into Denver. Nothing like the view from the topknot of NOISE. May you all find the courage to grab your ass and jump.

Happy New Year,


December 30, 2009 My life, one photo a day

Groovin to Jakarta at JAZZ@JACKS in the Pavillion Dtown Denver. Little known fact our Pres is freelancing as a trumpet player in a groove band. Check out the Big O on the left. It's real and you heard it here.

Check out Jakarta Band on the web. They are smokin.



Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29, 2009 My life, one photo a day

100,000 miles, 97 days of hotel, 102 days in a rental car. 101 bags of almonds, *** glasses of cheap white wine, and lots of bitchy flight attendants. Travel for 2009 is over. Safe journey my friends, we are all travelers to somewhere.



Monday, December 28, 2009

December 28, 2009 My life, one photo a day

Andy W. said it so well, "Fame, where is your 15 minutes?". Mine is at the Hertz isle in San Antonio, Texas. Well, at least it's mine.



Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 27, 2009 My life, one photo a day

The exploration continues. Swift's, home of Coney Island red chili and the $6.99 steak and eggs. All on the Vespa in the snow. Keep looking. They're all usually just around the corner.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 26, 2009 My life, one photo a day

Stairway to the upper world. The door of NOISE to the rest of the world. I have been up and down a thousand times but only tonight noticed the beauty of simple iron, brick, and wood.



Friday, December 25, 2009

December 25, 2009 My life, one photo a day

Caught having a Texas size martini on Christmas.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

December 24, 2009 My life, one photo a day

Waving to Santa after he gave me the biggest gift of all

Merry Christmas


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

December 23, 2009 My life, one photo a day

Remember practicing your cursive in school. How long has it been since you found an empty piece of snow white paper and the perfect pen? You know, just the right size and weight of ink.... Occasionally in this Keyboard world of ours it's settling to put pen to paper... I've been doing it for over 20 years, someday I will have to go back and read that mess.

Check out the site, some new photos up this weekend. Pass the blog along. I hate to live alone...



Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December 22, 2009 My life, one photo a day

If you travel enough.....it always comes up to bite you. A 5 hour delay on a 2 hour flight. Travel during the holidays should definately be avoided. Trust me on this one. We were on the plane for about an hour....Thank god for the Passenger bill of rights.. This is the view from the front...maybe the only view of the plane I will get today..


Monday, December 21, 2009

December 21, 2009 My life, one photo a day

It's a silly game really, a bunch of grow men running around in shorts trying to hit a little yellow ball over a fence. That said, it makes perfect sense its been part of my life for a long time. I'm trying to get back into it after a long break. I mean break too. Ribs and swine flu shackled my tennis buzz for awhile. The only thing missing from this photo is frustration, humiliation, a hottub, and enough advil to choke a garbage eating goat.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 20, 2009 My life, one photo a day

Stuck in the twilight between dark and light beauty sometimes hides.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 19, 2009 My life, one photo at a time

They say it's important to get right back on the horse after you get bucked off. Well, big red is out of the hospital again and I'm back in the saddle. Note the battle scars that cost be 5 ribs. I wonder if it can smell fear.....

Become a follower of this crazy life through the website www.bymiles.org Pass it on.



Friday, December 18, 2009

My LIfe, one photo at a time

Sometimes one seemingly small thing sets off a chain reaction of events that leave you breathless, confused, and often pissed. That was my morning today. It also made me realize a few things about myself. This morning I thought I didn't give myself enough time to get to the airport in Houston, even though I was only a short distance away. The alarm went off and I jumped out of bed and into the shower. Rushing like a madman still asleep.

At Hertz, I realized I left my phone at the hotel. As we all know, life is over without the phone, death is a slow withering process when you are faced with the prospect of being "offline".

Contents of the photo

Rental agreement- I had to rent a new car to go back and get my phone

Elite Priority bag tag- showing how important I am. 42 minute wait on Platinum line to find out the next two flights were booked.

Key- new key to get back into room

Phone- need I say more

Wallet- 67.24 lighter as a result of rushing.

I realized how the pace and crazy life of Houston had pullled me in when I was racing back to get the phone with no hope of making my flight. The emotions associated with this race were amazing. The occasional hope that I could possibly make it was awful. It created this horrible stress and the sense of rushing was maddening. The only relief was the traffic jam that dashed my hope and made me relax. Up and down the whole way.

This only to find out that I had misread my departure by 15 minutes and made my flight. The cuban OJ was good but the skin off my mental ass was significant.

Lesson: The things we do to ourselves should never exceed the things the world really does to us.


Please open the photo and pass it along if you want. Visit http://www.bymiles.org/ if you dare

Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 17, 2009 My life, one photo at a time

Houston is not always a carnival but tonight it was. I don't think business was too good because I didn't see a single person on any ride or even eating popcorn. Oh the life of a carnie. Maybe one day I will follow them.

Don't forget to open the photo and pass it on. Become a follower...



Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 16, 2009 My life, one photo a day

I am absolutely sure I had too much fun last night and I'm being punished by the Gods. Going to listen to Tibetean symbol music tonight. AMM AMM. This is a photo of my wonderful assistant Karen who makes all bad things good. Very fitting for today.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15th, 2009 My Life, one photo a day

Long road trips are the best way to stir the brain juice. Almost as good as coming home. Here is the back patio of the epicenter of the Idea Factory,,,,"NOISE". Yes, you Southerners the white stuff is snow.

Please pass the blog info along and if you want off just go to followers and unfollow...


Monday, December 14, 2009

December 14, 2009

No one does Dinner like the Denver Diner. The Denver Diner is one slice of life. Open all night catering to the spectrum of humanity. It also has the cleanest chrome chairs in the Western Hemisphere. Really, go look it up. It was the triple decker H & C tonight. Gotta keep up my strength

Ciao from the front lines


Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Villa Hilla may be mobile

The Villa Hilla may be mobile in a few days. It will be a four wheeled version of course, but it will have all the trappings of the Villa Hilla in Canton. We will see...


The mobile Villa Hilla coming soon

The Villa Hilla looks to soon be mobile in the 4 wheeled form. Pictures will follow if the deal goes through. Prepare yourselves

December 13, 2009

You may think this photo is a little blurry but its really what the world looked like out of my hung over head on the way home

December 12-2009

Sometimes lots can be said in a few words....


December 11, 2009

Nothing Like a great party and some photo shy friends....right. After the annual dinner at the Buckhorn exchange, which by the way is the oldest restaurant and liquor license in Colorado. It's just a couple of Blocks from NOISE the party returned home. Some wine, well lots of wine and the shutter was popping.

By the way, I had the Yak and she had the Salmon.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10, 2009

The beginning in the middle of NOISE. Focus meeting #2 went perfectly. Prepare the world for the experience. Welcome to NOISE

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 9th, 2009

My breaktime spot when I'm in an office. Yuk. It's my coldest day since coming to Denver. 16 below zero.

You can't see flames but things are burning

Stay tuned


December 8, 2009

You just never know what will motivate you now do you. An email from your girl and a snub from the boss. The is greater than the parts for sure.

Beware World! Miles on fire.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hello all,

Happy holidays to all of you. It's been a crazy couple of weeks for me. I went to vegas and had a wonderful time with Denise and my great and dear friends David and Paula. Well and Harry the dog of course.

Then Canton and the flea market. It was Densies's first Trade Days. Very spectacular really. Bought a few items for the Villa Hilla and then off to the street dance. Nothing like dancing with a bunch of women in 20 degree weather.

Lot's going on in the Arts and sciences for BY MILES. Stay to tuned to Miles on Fire .com and all that happens after...

New Year for me and new beginning for everyone.