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Friday, December 18, 2009

My LIfe, one photo at a time

Sometimes one seemingly small thing sets off a chain reaction of events that leave you breathless, confused, and often pissed. That was my morning today. It also made me realize a few things about myself. This morning I thought I didn't give myself enough time to get to the airport in Houston, even though I was only a short distance away. The alarm went off and I jumped out of bed and into the shower. Rushing like a madman still asleep.

At Hertz, I realized I left my phone at the hotel. As we all know, life is over without the phone, death is a slow withering process when you are faced with the prospect of being "offline".

Contents of the photo

Rental agreement- I had to rent a new car to go back and get my phone

Elite Priority bag tag- showing how important I am. 42 minute wait on Platinum line to find out the next two flights were booked.

Key- new key to get back into room

Phone- need I say more

Wallet- 67.24 lighter as a result of rushing.

I realized how the pace and crazy life of Houston had pullled me in when I was racing back to get the phone with no hope of making my flight. The emotions associated with this race were amazing. The occasional hope that I could possibly make it was awful. It created this horrible stress and the sense of rushing was maddening. The only relief was the traffic jam that dashed my hope and made me relax. Up and down the whole way.

This only to find out that I had misread my departure by 15 minutes and made my flight. The cuban OJ was good but the skin off my mental ass was significant.

Lesson: The things we do to ourselves should never exceed the things the world really does to us.


Please open the photo and pass it along if you want. Visit http://www.bymiles.org/ if you dare

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