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Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 28, 2010. My life, one photo a day

IT"S TIME. On the way to burningman again. It's a long way from the Villa. Burningman or Bust that's this years motto. 500 miles down the road is the Sandhills of Monahans. It's a strange and interesting place if you ever get there. Burningman 2010 is in the oven. More from the road.

August 27, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Sometimes you find surprises in the strangest places. One of those surprises was the pork shrimp pasta dish at Val's in Canton, Texas. It's on the East end of the square across from the courthouse. Stop by the Villa sometime and then head out for some choice Italian. Only in Texas. Miles.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26, 2010. My life, one photo a day

The inside of the Villa is coming along nicely, A new World HQ for the By Miles madness. The outside is still a bit cluttered. It's hard figuring out where to put the mannequins and the hot tub..... But I can always find the 16 years old rum. A toast to old friends and those friends we yet know. Miles

August 25, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Sometimes a simple sign says it all. After dumping a huge load of trash in a secret dumpster I passed by this one on a deserted road behind the Flea Market. We are truly blessed to live in this country at this time in our lives. Make the most of it. Miles

August 24, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Even the Tincherville taxi is resting from the heat on the Mountain. My last night in Colorado I had a jacket on.....humm. A jacket. humm. Oh well, they say the humidity is good for your skin. We will see....Miles

August 23, 2010. My life, one photo a day

The inside of the Villa is a disaster. What's up with moving all of these things you really want to get rid of to another place so you can work on a plan to get rid of them there? Yes, it was a long sentence but so is the process. It won't be long before the Villa is tip top but it will require some work. I'm ready to attack the creative again. MIles

August 22, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Nothing can prepare you for the Texas heat in late August. My poor clay friends put up a good fight but melted in the end. I'm not going to dwell on it, we had good times together. The "DANCE" will be fondly remembered. Adios Amigos. MIles

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 21, 2010. My life, one photo a day

1994 Cubic Feet of waste. If it hadn't been for Jeff and Willy it would have been much more. A 26 foot truck packed so tight you couldn't slide a butter knife in it. It didn't take long to finish the last part of the move and bid good-bye to NOISE and all of it's strange vibes. The Question is....will I miss the trains? HUMMM. Miles

August 20, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Chaos before the movers come. So much that means so little. How do we get this way. It makes no sense to drag all of this to the "simple life". We are such a material society it's hard to part with things that don't have any meaning....why? Someone write me and explain it.....please...Miles.

August 19, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Nora Jones at RED ROCKS on my last night in Denver. Wow, it was awesome, even in a driving rain storm. Everyone was in a good mood and everyone stayed. Not a bad way to finish out a chapter in your life...time to write the next.


August 18, 2010. My life, one photo a day

More elevators and hallways. It's strange to have the door slide open and see the a number on a door that has become home.

Sorry for the late posts.... I have really been off the grid for the last few days.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 17, 2010 My life, one photo a day

Another lonely traveler clinging to his cell phone. It's amazing how often it happens and how much it stands out. The LCD glow in their faces just hoping for a noise or a the light to go on. Who am I kidding it's me too. Why doesn't it ring....it's a sickness I guess or maybe it's being away from the people and places you care about. Either way, I am tired of being there.....Miles

August 16, 2010. My life, one photo a day

No matter where you stay the chain hotels all start to look the same. The same faces and the same chairs greet you when you walk in. Sterile and lifeless in most ways. There are some very amazing and interesting places to stay out there but you certainly do have to work to find them. Keep looking... MIles

August 15, 2010. My life, one photo a day

One of the hardest working and most interesting music men in the Texas music scene is this cat...Guy Forsyth. It doesn't hurt it's in one of my favorite places on earth....Yeap...Gruene Hall. A hot day tuned into a fantastic night of music and soaking some feet in the river. NO WHERE ELSE BUT TEXAS. Miles

August 14, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Chuy's is a real Austin institution. Be real and don't go to any other Chuy's except the one on Barton Springs. It's just the way it is. There is nothing better than a frozen marg under the piercing gaze of a velvet Elvis. You may even find a stick it hanging around somewhere. The schools of wood mackerel are my favorite. Go, see and live I say. Miles

Saturday, August 14, 2010

August 13, 2010. My life, one photo a day

If you are looking for a place to boogie in Hubbard, Texas, I would recommend DUBS. Ok, Ok, it's the only place to boogie in Hubbard but does that really matter? Dave McClintons place in Hubbard is a gas. Old soda fountain and a massive restaurant with top-shelf steaks and dancing. You won't believe what is behind the only facade. If you go, tell him Miles and Denise said to stop by. Miles

August 12, 2010. My life, one photo a day

NOWHERE ELSE BUT TEXAS. Poetry can be found everywhere but there is something about a Texas roadside poet that makes me teary eyed. Please note the single winged female pilot with the ironing board wing and the real sheriff's cars in the background. The "Walt Whitman" of the road is just outside Kerens, Texas. Miles

August 11, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Trading one enormous mess for another seems to be the order of the day. A look inside the Villa Hilla before the transformation. Get ready for more downsizing. Watching what happens to my elderly mothers possessions after she moves is one of the most sobering experiences I have ever had. All the "THINGS" that she thought were important to her suddenly have no meaning. It is a slap in the face that reminds you that it isn't what material things you own....it's the memories and experiences you create that give you fuel and happiness in the end... Think about it. Miles.

August 10, 2010 My life, one photo a day

Ruby's Hat shop is a unique looking place. After all, when do you see a shop in the bottom of an old grain silo. If you ever need a hat this is the place to go. Just off of Highway 7 in the wilds of Central Texas. Miles

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9, 2010. My life, one photo a day

If you ever get the chance in Denver make a trip over to Osage and 13th Ave. There is a fabulous Japanese restaurant in a big old warehouse named DOMO. It's one of the best Japanese joints in the USA. A beautiful old inside with antique Japanese decor, a luscious garden and a big Akido dojo. Country Japanese food they call it. Amazing. Just a few feet from NOISE. See you there. Miles

August 8, 2010 My life, one photo a day

Like I said. It's a good week to go to Goodwill. Lot's of new stuff there. If you think about it, this is the ultimate recycling. It is the one form of sustainable living that really works. But don't be fooled, there is a system. Buy it retail, sell it in a garage sale, buy it in garage sale, you move and give it to goodwill, then dealers step in and buy it and the cycle starts over. I call it the junk waterfall..... ciao. Miles

August 7, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Lots going on at NOISE this month. I'm trying to get rid of the wretched excess of my past life to make room for the new. That may sound easy but it's turning out to be much harder than it should be. Why is it that we expand our crap to fill the space we inhabit? No more. It's a return to the simpler life for me and D. I will keep you posted on the progress. Goodwill has a lot of expensive stuff so it's a good time to make a run. Enjoy Miles

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 6, 2010. My life, one photo a day

It's a little strange to have a photo of some chance meeting with a total stranger anywhere much less in the Goodwill parking lot but here it is. Jackie was so happy to have rescued one of my old beauty shop chairs she couldn't stand it. It was like giving a Christmas gift with your eyes closed. They even helped her load it. She was so happy I had to have a photo. I know the photo prop chair will have a good home and maybe toast up a few do's. Isn't she proud....Miles

August 5, 2010. My life, one photo a day

There is so much light coming through the railcar door at NOISE it can blind you. I don't think Ray Charles would have minded sitting at this piano and pounding out a tune or two. I wonder what things were like when the steam engines were pulling up. Miles

August 4, 2010. My Life, one photo a day

Some local color in the hood. It always amazes me that you don't really have to go far to see something interesting. Most of the time there is something just around the corner. Miles

August 3, 2010 My life, one photo a day

Take me out to the ball game, Take me out to crowd.... I don't go to many organized sporting events but a night at the ballpark was fun. The Rockies and the Giants were on the card. The Rockies got killed but it was all good in the sky box. I've been off the grid for a few days so the catch ups will follow. Ciao, Miles

Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2, 2010. My life, one photo a day

The greatest of times are often experienced in the midst of adversity. This is certainly true of the rained out grilling picnic. Relentless determination is all that is required to overcome the evil disappointment of moisture and move the party inside. And so it was tonight....burgers and broccoli rescued from the elements into the dry confines of NOISE. Great top shelf patties from the Whole foods does the trick again. Later Miles

August 1, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Angry skies over the Mile High City. This has been one rainy summer so far. Considering there is supposed to be all this sunshine in Colorado, this is one rainy place. I admit that there is some serious difference between Louisiana and Mississippi and the rockies in August. You know, its a dry heat...blah blah blah. After a couple of weeks in the flat lands I know my pours are working just fine. I may have to head back that way one of these days..... Adios Miles.

July 31, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Annnnnd they're off...... what is the definition of an athlete? Come on...weigh in on this one. A track star, a ballerina, football player, maybe a bowler. Has anyone ever considered a jockey? Looking at this finely tuned hunk of flesh will only fuel the debate. A good day at the track is.... well? Better than a sharp stick in the eye I think or something like that. Take a look and you make the call. Ciao, Miles