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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September 29, 2010. My life, one photo a day

The name really doesn't do it justice. Wildside is just that or at least it was today. It's rare that you see a SWAT team guy running around on the Mountain. Ok, he was only one so maybe he was the SWATTER or something. Just a little drama on the First Monday weekend gear up.....Come by and see....Miles

September 28, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Things can get a little scary on the Mountain near the Villa Hilla. Must be a Halloween thing. Still gotta love the sweater. Miles

September 27, 2010. My life, one photo a day

I hope Robert Redford can find room at his table for me at Sundance this year. It could be awkward for him. Lot's of media getting ready to come your way on the One More Mile Travel YouTube channel. You will even get to see "EL Macho Rapido" breaking records on the Salt Flats. Stay tuned for that one. Miles

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 26, 2010. My life, one photo a day

It's getting close to Halloween and you never know who will be sneaking around in your bedroom. Beware, this could happen to you. I really love a costume party. There is something about having a bunch of people put on costumes and masks. It allows them to be anonymous for a change. For alot of folks it releases their inner wicked self....Love that... Miles

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 25, 2010. My life, one photo a day

It's not Captain Kid or George Washington. It's Jerry Purvis, the owner of Dallas Vintage and Costumes in Plano. This place is great for buying some new Viking clothes or maybe upgrading your Cinderella outfit. I made the trip over to polish up "Lord Talleywacker" for Halloween. Stay tuned for the video. Miles

Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24, 2010. My life, one photo a day

It was a tough day on photos. I had another one of the Grand Canyon out the window of a speeding jet at 39,000ft that was really cool, but for some reason this photo of mom and the cyber kids really got to me. Let's face it, this is our world now. Ipads, blackberries, and Ipods.... No one really has to interact with anyone anymore. I'm no different, typing a blog and attaching a digital image. I have to say one of the best times I have had in recent memory was sitting by a campfire with D in Norris campground in central Yellowstone without a hint of cell service. Darwin would be bent over a 16 year old Willingshire malt wondering how evolution could be speeding up this fast. Screw the web feet let's discuss the web ear or sixth typing finger.... Miles

Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 23, 2010. My life, one photo a day

A sneaky night raid on the frig of the Washington School Inn in Park City Utah didn't find much. Some dill haverty cheese and a half dozen hard boiled eggs. The raiding party of one had his way with both. The interloper did feel bad when he found the note telling me that my breakfast was on the counter for the morning to come......Ok, I could live here...Miles

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Rainbow in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah. A rainbow here at this time of the year is a perfect accessory to the pulsating color of the fall foliage. The mountains are on fire. Red, orange, yellow, green, and deep maroon are all over the hills. Top that off with a rainbow. Perfect don't you think...Miles

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 21, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Going back to my roots, this is the future site of the "TBA" world invitational has been tennis tournament. There is plenty of room to put up a tent, have coolers, and a few lawn chairs. There is even a lake for taking a dip if you loose a bet. The field will be exclusive so make sure you return your entry asap. The event will be a "made for TV" movie courtesy of By Miles.....Miles

September 20, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Nothing beats a good piece of Salmon on the barbie. Just take a minute and enjoy the ride. Miles

September 19, 2010. My life, one photo a day

There are four keepers of the gate at the Villa Hilla. It's starting to take shape again. The amount of things to do never seems to decrease? Why is that? Well, it's going to be worth it. Lot's going on around the Villa. Certainly, there will be some film and photos coming out of this soon. Come by on First Monday....Miles

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 18, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Nothing like a glass of good Cab with a sting to it. This little creature was resting in my cab glass as I was looking for the proper venue for my Chardonnay. Thank god I read the article in the wine spectator about proper glass selection. Never attempt to drink Chardonnay out of glasses large enough to hold wildlife.... Miles

Friday, September 17, 2010

September 17,2010. My life, one photo a day

In an attempt to be merciful I have decided not to bury all of you will a bunch of emails for one photo a day. If you would like to see all "catch up" photos please go to Picasaweb and take a look. I will start doing this anytime I am off the grid or get hung up with posting for a few days. Sorry for the trouble.

The intrepid explorers search for Picture Canyon in the Comanche Grasslands National Reserve. A small sign in the middle of nowhere in Southeastern Colorado sounded like a perfect detour. NOT. A 45 Mile trip on a gravel road revealed a "Canyon" that looked like a ditch from our view. Save the gas....Miles

September 13, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Apologies for the slow posting of my life, it's been anything but slow. That's why it's hard to get these images up on time. I promise I will do better.

The Residence Inn has been my home for more nights than I can remember. This trip was my first Residence Inn stay since going on the road and basing out of the Lone Star State. It sure brought back memories. YUK. Miles

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 12, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Few things in our world are free. It's a sad fact and the crazy thing about that is when you try to give something away for free. People are just afraid of anything free. OK, that said there is a great exception to the rule in Thermopolis, Wyoming. It's the worlds largest mineral springs. The State park in Thermopolis has the Bath House and it's free. Yeap, not a dime does it cost you. A great mineral pool and facilities. It's awesome. Open 8 to 5:30. Don't miss it if you are up that way....really...free huh! Miles

September 11, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Grizzly in the Yellowstone river. It's just everywhere. I wish uncle Teddy had set aside a few more million acres, oh well, I hope we can figure out how to preserve what we have left...Miles

September 10, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Looking East just a couple of miles from the Fishing Bridge in Yellowstone. There is so much there it's hard to see it all in a few days. The beauty is staggering. If you ever go, take a few days and explore. Find a place and just sit and take in the color. It will make you smile....Miles

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 9, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Yellowstone. What a place. If you are game to see a once in a lifetime magnificent beast then take the 7 mile hike down Pelican Valley trail just North of Yellowstone lake. It's a day trip only because it's the best Grizzly bear habitat in the lower 48 states. Don't forget the nerve and the bear spray. You can get this close but you have to disregard most every park rule to do it. Sometimes the juice is worth the squeeze. Miles

September 8, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Again a few days off the grid. The wild horse loop a few miles outside of Rock Springs, Wyoming is a desolate gravel road between Green River and Rock Springs. There are deer, elk, and pronghorn on the rocky horizon. The wild horse loop would not be complete without wild horses.... Very nice. Miles.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 7, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Sunset of the salt flats. Camp Happy in the white desert. A strange and quiet place that explodes the senses..Miles

September 6, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Sunrise on the salt flats of the Bonneville Speedway. Without a doubt one of the most spectacular places I have ever spent the night. It's only a few miles outside of Wendover Nevada. Just amazing...Miles

September 5, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Tennis anyone???? Yeap, a good dirt court on the Playa. You can find anything at Burningman. I didn't get to play this year but I will be ready next year. Miles

September 4, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Man in the dust..... only in the Black rock Desert. Give me light....Miles

September 3, 2010, My life, one photo a day

The Woolley heads at the burning of Metropolis. The fire somehow makes you believe in the power of nature. So much work and love in the making of everything on the Playa. Next year a mutant vehicle will be part of the mix....Miles

September 2, 2010, My life, one photo a day

Nothing is more amazing than the Camp Fiasco Spa day at Burningman. 600 hot dogs, foot massage, hair coloring, body painting, and tarot card readings. I'm confident to say that Spa Day at Camp Fiasco is the premier "happy event" of the Burn. To all involved in the effort, I take my hat off. (the purple one) Ciao Miles

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September 1, 2010. My life, one photo a day

The sun and dust bring back fond memories. Virgins ring the bell and leap from the circle. D did a great job with both. Back with my family at Camp Fiasco and of course.....the Man.

August 31, 2010. My life, one photo a day

John Muir was right. Nothing in the world can prepare you for this. Yosemite is all they say it is. If you ever get the chance, a glass of Chardonnay and some cheese does wonders for the sunset over Half Dome. Go to Glacier point and enjoy. I can smell Burningman in the distance. MIles

August 30, 2010. My life, one photo a day

As you drive along the Eastern Sierra you come to some amazing little towns in the high desert. Keep in mind you can't reach Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park from that side of the high Sierra. You have to drive to Yosemite and cross over. Before you reach Bishop, CA there is an awesome hot springs on the western side of the road. Its been there for a hundred years and is worth your time. You have gotta love places on the road....Miles

August 29, 2010. My life one photo a day

Greetings all. I have been off the grid for a week. These are separate posts with photos taken on those days.

You never know what you may find on the road to Burningman. In a small store, perhaps at a rest stop along the road, or a lonely gas station in the desert. The Burningman fairies are everywhere. Push on I say...push on.
