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Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24, 2010. My life, one photo a day

It was a tough day on photos. I had another one of the Grand Canyon out the window of a speeding jet at 39,000ft that was really cool, but for some reason this photo of mom and the cyber kids really got to me. Let's face it, this is our world now. Ipads, blackberries, and Ipods.... No one really has to interact with anyone anymore. I'm no different, typing a blog and attaching a digital image. I have to say one of the best times I have had in recent memory was sitting by a campfire with D in Norris campground in central Yellowstone without a hint of cell service. Darwin would be bent over a 16 year old Willingshire malt wondering how evolution could be speeding up this fast. Screw the web feet let's discuss the web ear or sixth typing finger.... Miles

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