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Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 27, 2010. My life, one photo a day

This thunder head dominated the horizon most of the evening. I was thinking how long it had been since I had seen some really good lighting. This was a good one. It also kicked up a few tornados this evening. Got a camera ready for the next one of those. Miles

October 26, 2010. My life, one photo a day

It was a real frog strangler today. There was so much rain it brought out the mermaids. She was having a great time but the rest of us were having some trouble staying dry. There is something magical and soothing about sitting on a porch and listening to the rain on a tin roof. Try it some time. Miles

October 25, 2010. My life, one photo a day

What a great find. Tucked away in the Ozarks outside of Calico Rock, Arkansas you find cedar lodge. Lots of room to relax and get back to nature. You are off the grid for sure here. Miles

October 24, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Ok. I know I said I would bury you with posts all on one day but here they are. I have had hell getting service on the road lately so now I'm backed up. Apologies of course.

I have sent this photo to the fish and wildlife commission to try and ID the strange beast on my floor board. I know it was alive and a meat eater. Note the chicken next to the animal. Any suggestions on how to classify this monster would be appreciated. Miles

Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 23, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Some rain on black paint and chrome. Nice. The rain held off for the annual HOG FESTIVAL in Ben Wheeler Texas. Those of you that showed up for some hog meat and the annual hog wrestling I'm sure were impressed. My team in the wrestling fell short. No tutu or butterfly wings on the porky this year. Oh well, there is always next year. Miles

October 22, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Security systems can be found in all sizes and price ranges. This system's battery does not run down often and tends to create other byproducts.... Still it strikes terror into would be attackers and hooligans. I just wish puppy chow was not so expensive. Miles

October 21, 2010. My life, one photo a day

If old cars could talk.....so many memories inside these old clunkers. Dates, first times, love, vacations, funerals, and lots of work. All the things that make people ...well...people. Raise your glasses to all those junk yard memories ....Miles

October 20, My life, one photo a day

Rural Pennsylvania is covered with small white wooden churches. They dot the landscape and seem to be around every turn in the road. Every once in awhile you stumble on one that stands out against the Autumn leaves and makes white a beautiful color. Miles

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 19, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Trout Run, PA is full of history. No place more than the "Antique" store just north of town. Everything a man could want and lot's he would love to get rid of.... It's all in the blog and the lens?? Miles

October 18, 2010. My life, one photo a day

A late night staple of the weary traveler...Denny's..... A cold and damp night in a dreary steel country of Penn. if you had a car or could walk...why wouldn't you leave...LOL. Miles

October 17, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Traffic, crowds, delays, and people. Certainly, it's everywhere but it never makes it any better. The road to Canonsbury, Pa to Washington, PA. Yuk. Get me to the country....Miles

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 15, 2010. My life, one photo a day

There is always someone who wants to be last. Bridge Day in Fayetteville, West Virginia is no excpetion. Once a year, hundreds of people of questionable mental status gather at the New River Gorge Bridge. It's the only day you can legally jump from a highway bridge 847 feet above the river below. The jumpers are mostly young and can make your stomach turn when they release at 5 seconds on a 7 second ride. If you are ever in the area, you should come early and take a look. Anyone got a parachute? Miles

October 14, 2010. My life, one photo a day

I would call Asheville, NC the Austin of the East. Very cool and ecclectic in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It wouldn't be a bad place to hang your hat for a year or so. This is the view from the Bistro in the old historic district. Lot's of outdoor stuff and good food. If you go try the Admiral on Haywood in West Asheville. Wow. Miles

October 13, 2010. My life, one photo a day

This year has been a lucky one for seeing wildlife in their natural world. The trail up to Little Mouse Falls did not disappoint. Big Creek Campground is on the Eastern side of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It's hard to get to and not easy to find. If you do find it, it will give you a different sense of time. The forest is so overgrown that sunlight has a hard time of finding the ground. Big Creek is almost a river with rapids and waterfalls and secluded places along it's winding path down the mountain. This bear was one of two that came down the trail in front of us. I did a staring match with the first one and found it makes for a better picture when the camera is on. The second was kind enough to give us a look about 10 yards from the trail after he happened upon us around a bend. Two separate bears within 10 minutes....that's hard to beat. Give the Smokies a look some time, they are worth the effort. Miles

October 12, 2010. My life, one photo a day

A cozy cabin on a back road in the Smokies can make for a great evening. The whole place was not much bigger than the Villa Hilla. I can't believe how awful Gatlinburg, TN was and how wonderful the back roads are. Lot's more trips here in the future.

Stay tuned on Facebook and www.bymiles.org for more updated photo galleries and videos.


October 11, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Well, it's me again. I have been seriously off the grid in Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina. Sorry about that. You would think that internet and phone coverage was all over the place...not so. I'm going to bombard you guys again with a bunch of posts to catch up. At first, I was not going to do that but a few of you asked not to be left out....Thanks for that. So here we go. LIVE from the Laundromat in Waynesburg, Pennslyvania. My life, one photo a day. P.S. The photos were taken on the days of the post but there was not internet to send them out.

I was looking back in the evening on a rural road in the mountains of Tennessee just on the Northwestern edge of the Smokies and saw this church in the mirror. It took forever to find a place to turn around and the only place to park was in the road. I know, not smart. While the sun had gone too far down to see the same image I saw in the rearview mirror, I took the shot anyway. What struck me was the contrast. A sunset, a church, and 2,201,030 power lines. Are we really better off with that or would the simpler life yield more joy? Food for thought. MIles

Monday, October 11, 2010

October 10, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Beale street is famous for alot of things. What comes to mind? R&B, BB King, and Memphis rub BBQ. I dare say that no one has heard of the Beale street bucket divers. Here is one of the few photos of a diver in action. Simply put....Amazing. Miles

October 9, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Those of you who want to pursue another career, such as photography, you may need to diversify. It's always good to have several skills. On a desolate road in rural Tennessee, a sign says it all. Small engine repair and photography. There is the template for the future. Miles

October 8, 2010. My life, one photo a day

The Newest addition to the Road Team....LOLA. She is working out some stress with a dog paddle swim. 7 weeks and her form is pretty good. Scuba will be next when her teeth around so sharp. What is it about puppy breath anyway. Miles

October 7, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Sunrise at 39,000 feet is beautiful. The 3 am wake up call is not. I can't help but look down on the world and wonder what amazing thing is going to happen today for someone out this window...who knows, maybe it will happen for someone inside this window....Miles

October 6, 2010. My life, one photo a day

It's funny when you return to a place that on the outside is insignificant but on the inside has more meaning. When I first came to Denver this park and ball field were covered in deep snow. Coming from Baton Rouge, snow was a bit of a novelty and being there alone was a little hard. New town, new climate, not knowing anyone. This place was my lunch recharge zone and remained that until I left. """"Take me out to the ballpark, take me.... Miles

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 5, 2010. My life, one photo a day

It looks like a house in the burbs. They always do. It's funny how hotels try so hard to look like home. If they only knew what the Villa Hilla looked like.....would they try if they knew? I'm still looking for that B and B but I'm sure it's out of there....right. Miles

October 4, 2010. My life, one photo a day

What is a 5 star gold anyway? These car guys have never given me anything except a headache? But as you can see I'm a member of the club. The Number 1 club of course. Well no matter what it's good to be part of the club. Milles

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Does anyone really believe that 7 years of bad luck for breaking a mirror stuff? Why 7 years and not say 12? You can rob a bank, shoot the guard, smoke a joint, and resist arrest and only get 5 years. It should go on how many pieces you end up with. In this case, I could be in for a long stretch. Miles

October 2, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Any time you street dance strange things can happen. It was no different Saturday night on the mountain. D ended up with the red cowgirl hat? Humm, where did it come from? Who was the previous owner? All mysterious questions that may forever go unanswered. The fact is that it's now in the costume stable and will be worn with intensity and determination on the next appropriate occasion. Miles

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 1, 2010. My life, one photo a day

It's rare to see 4 generations in one place but here they are. Our news friends from the Flea Market. They have a wine bar that makes all kinds of different drinks with wine......right up my alley I think. Miles

Friday, October 1, 2010

September 30, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Ok, it's breaking my training regime but it sure was good. A taste of BlueBell on the steps of the Villa is not bad. My career as a vendor starts in the morning. YUK. Come by some of my life junk at the market. Please....Miles.edit