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Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 11, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Well, it's me again. I have been seriously off the grid in Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina. Sorry about that. You would think that internet and phone coverage was all over the place...not so. I'm going to bombard you guys again with a bunch of posts to catch up. At first, I was not going to do that but a few of you asked not to be left out....Thanks for that. So here we go. LIVE from the Laundromat in Waynesburg, Pennslyvania. My life, one photo a day. P.S. The photos were taken on the days of the post but there was not internet to send them out.

I was looking back in the evening on a rural road in the mountains of Tennessee just on the Northwestern edge of the Smokies and saw this church in the mirror. It took forever to find a place to turn around and the only place to park was in the road. I know, not smart. While the sun had gone too far down to see the same image I saw in the rearview mirror, I took the shot anyway. What struck me was the contrast. A sunset, a church, and 2,201,030 power lines. Are we really better off with that or would the simpler life yield more joy? Food for thought. MIles

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