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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Back in the River.... By Miles

Hello my dear friends,

I'm back as Jack would say. It's been a crazy adventure over the last few months. I have relocated to Austin and the world is on fire. I have not posted anything in some time. It's good really because I have had a bunch of things to get in order. Some good and some not so good. Now, they are done.

I will not be posting a photo a day for awhile but something similar will be back. I want to post life photos of things going on around me and of people that I meet along the way. "My Life, one photo a day" was a great project but amazingly hard to execute. The lessons learned from "My life, one photo a day" will never be forgotten and I hope to share some of these with you as we move down the road.

It's amazing being back in Austin. There is so much energy here. I left almost 14 years ago. Much has changed here but this is home to me and I guess it always will be no matter where I am. So By Miles is coming back. You will start seeing video, photos, and art from "BY MILES" again. There will also be video and short form from the deck of the "Slow Dancer".

So please spread the word that Austin is about to "Go Live".



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