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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mighty Cone....Dinner at the Trailer Park

June 30.
Food is a big part of living on the edge. Just ask Tony Bourdain or those weird dudes that eat that huge stuff.

Hot and Crunchy Shrimp Cone $5.45
Shrimp crusted with Almonds, sesame seeds, chili flakes, corn flakes, and seasonings in a tortilla cone with mango-jalapeno slaw topped with ancho sauce.

My favorite.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 26, A Pilgrim goes to Mecca...Day 5

The Sonoma Valley was kind to the Pilgrim again today. The weather was perfect as was the wine. I suppose I wlll have to go to Napa next, but it will be hard to beat the Sonoma Valley. I'm already planning for the Fall. Want to join me?


Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 25, The Pilgrim goes to Mecca Day 4

99 bottle of wine on the wall, 99 bottles of wine, take one down pass it around, 98 bottles of wine on the wall. There is a bunch of grape juice in this place. The Sonoma Valley is only about 18 miles long and 17.98 miles of that are vineyards. I got to visit my favorites....La Creme and Chaulk Hill. I had to do some driving to get there but it was worth it. If you ever come this way be sure to stop at Hearldsburg and go to Charlie Palmers on the square. Mr. Spock's brother works there and will give you wine mags to read while you are waiting. Charlie Palmer may be Captain Kirk. Membership has it's privilege's as I am now a member of two new wine clubs....DUH! I don't want any of you to hide in the bushes and wait for those shipments.... More wineries tomorrow and then off to San Fran for the trip home....



Friday, June 24, 2011

June 24, A Pilgrim goes to Mecca...Day 3

There are few drives in the country that can compare to the Pacific Coast Highway from Santa Cruz to Half Moon Bay. The waves and the secluded beaches could take a couple of days to explore.

This is my patio in Sonoma. Yes, I'm finally here. MECCA. The Metro Hotel has rooms with airstreams in the back. Mine is "AIR 1". Super comfy and roomy for one. I doubt it would work for a family of 4 but it's perfect for me. Tomorrow is a trip to the Temple... La Crema and Chalk Hill.


June 23. A Pligrim goes to Mecca...Day 2

Summoning up all of the will I had I left Santa Marie and heading North crossing over to the Pacific Coast Highway. It was tough passing up Paso Robles and Cambria. I must stay true to the quest....on to Mecca. My trip to PCH was amazing. Take the G16 Monterrey county road from Greenfield, CA west to Carmel. Beware only a couple of old folks in town seem to know where it is. Clue-ELM street. For 60 miles I twisted and turned in the California sunshine. I passed two cars in the first 45 miles ending up in the Village of Carmel. Not Clint Eastwood's Carmel but much better. A sleepy little back water town with great Monterrey wine and wonderful friendship and food at the Village Fish House. Tell Rose I sent you. Stay at the Blue Sky Lodge and feel like your in a happy days episode. Don't miss this drive and try the River Ranch Chardonnay. Thanks Rose.



June 22 A Pilgrim goes to Mecca Day 1

A good true Texan will always wonder why do those California folks say that place is so good. No matter how many times I come here I always forget how beautiful it is. Did I mention 60 degrees in the morning? A crisp Chardonnay and her brother the solid Cab are waiting a few hours North...Onward I say.....to the Wino's Mecca

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 21 Central Market Cooking School

A little oregano, some basil, a bit of ground veal and voila a masterpiece. My bolognese sauce is born. It helps to have a glass of Chardonnay during dinner too. I never knew you could make sauces with Vodka. DA? Stay turned for the next cooking experience and stop by some time for some grub...


Monday, June 20, 2011

The Morning Star just a short swim off of Highbourne Cay in the Exuma Islands Bahamas. This was our only trip to land in 6 days of diving. I don't know if you can pick out the 28 other people on that boat but they are about one every 2.6 feet.edit