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Friday, June 24, 2011

June 23. A Pligrim goes to Mecca...Day 2

Summoning up all of the will I had I left Santa Marie and heading North crossing over to the Pacific Coast Highway. It was tough passing up Paso Robles and Cambria. I must stay true to the quest....on to Mecca. My trip to PCH was amazing. Take the G16 Monterrey county road from Greenfield, CA west to Carmel. Beware only a couple of old folks in town seem to know where it is. Clue-ELM street. For 60 miles I twisted and turned in the California sunshine. I passed two cars in the first 45 miles ending up in the Village of Carmel. Not Clint Eastwood's Carmel but much better. A sleepy little back water town with great Monterrey wine and wonderful friendship and food at the Village Fish House. Tell Rose I sent you. Stay at the Blue Sky Lodge and feel like your in a happy days episode. Don't miss this drive and try the River Ranch Chardonnay. Thanks Rose.



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