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Friday, June 27, 2014

Shadow Man

Have you ever felt like this?   That you are a shadow on the wall and that you can only be seen when someone else’s light is shinning on you.  It’s kind of a heavy way to start a long trip but that is my mindset today.  After almost three days of travel I arrived in Saigon only an hour or so ago.  Nothing like todays “modern” air travel to get one in the perfect frame of mind.  Yes, I am a fairly seasoned travel and I know I should expect various debacles as one moves around the earth.  I am aware of “Murphy’s Law” and have experienced it first hand.  The crazy thing is it’s the people that kill me.  I was killed before I started this thing and have been murdered along the way all set in motion by one hour of rain in Tyler Texas...Yes friends Tyler has an airport.  The chain reaction was Murphy,  but the ass whippings along the way were people.  Trying to be helpful....some,  unresponsive?  Most...., Pleasant?  One...., completely incompetent?  ALL.    It seems to be the state of modern travel these days.  With all the technology comes a lack of knowledge.....I call it the “KEEPER OF THE SEQUENCE”.  The keeper is the one person that knows the steps in order to make some broad stroke of technology happen.  Say?  simply rerouting a ticket?  Or wait...maybe not canceling the ticket completely but providing all boarding passes....  How about rerouting a bag, not a bunch of bags...not at the last minute either but with enough time to go and swim it to London.  the “KEEPER OF THE SEQUENCE” never really shows their They usually hide in the dark on the phone at the end of a long wait behind the “service counter”  and only then will  they give their minions  just enough knowledge to move the board piece one square....Yes, that’s right, just one square.    

So, I’m in Saigon after a few days of travel without a bag in sight or even the idea of where it might be.  Now, I can take that in stride for the most part but having the “shadow” feeling seems to make it a little less paletable.   Besides my clothes are getting a little “agent orange” and there is a reason these amazing people were crawling  into  those tiny tunnels and winning the war....They are very small.  I have yet to see a John Wayne size outfit on the streets of Saigon.  

Please keep me in your thoughts and keep your light on until I can find my switch again.  

The Shadow

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