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Friday, October 30, 2015

My spooky Morning.

Every once in awhile you are privileged to be a part of something so much better than anything you have been before.  Hope, love, attention and a very loud siren make a day to remember.  Funny part is the remembering is for me not them.  It’s never too late.. And you can only please one princess at a time.....really.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


RIP my good friend and safe haven.  The other night the Villa Hilla disappeared in a blaze of glory.  Well maybe not glory.  A fire tragically took it to cabin heaven along with many other structures on the Mountain in Canton.  I didn't own it at the time but it still was a place of some fond memories.  It was a refuge from the hustle and bustle of Denver and ended up as a hideout after I left that unhappy corporate world.  It was love at first sight really.  We hit it off perfectly and many people touched it in their own ways.  So, adios my good friend.  As Gus would say, "My God Villa, it was a hell of a party."  

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Symphony of Light

It doesn't happen much out in the desert but when it does it's spectacular.  This storm rolled by last night and before you knew it....it was gone.  I was lucky to have seen a part of it.  The lessons are everywhere if you open up your mind to take them in...  This one,  Lesson #287B  "It's sometimes beautiful to burn bright and then let the universe move you on".

Monday, October 5, 2015

A Day at School

Wow.  Back in school after a few years and to think it was in a church and taught by a pastor.  Now most folks would think....hum....spiritual healing?  Community service? Maybe even some evangelical  fundraising type stuff.  While I am respectful and am appreciative of those noble endeavors, those of you who would know me would be a tad confused.  Let me just say..... No.

Today's vocab?  OFC, OFW, CHEMTAN, GTAW, SMAW, MCAW.   Yep.  I'm in Welding school at the Baptist Church in Terlingua.  I wish Wildwood had done this years ago.  I might have made the Baptist side of things... Well that and KP would have been all I needed.   So, tonight I'm doing my homework and preparing for my next class.

My project?  I'm going to build a ship that will carry me and anyone who wants to go on a "Slow dance around the World."  Anyone care to dance?