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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Desert Blizzards and the Pioneer Way

There is something about living in a place where you can go to bed in shorts and wake up in a blizzard.  That was Terlingua today.  From 82 degrees to 26 degrees in about 12 hours or less.  It was funny to watch the curious tourists freezing their behinds off because they didn't watch the weather.  Lot's of fire standing at the coffee shop this morning.  Even had a proposition.... Do you have space at your place for me and a dog?  Fact is I didn't so I wish them luck.  I even when out to the Rancho OM figuring this can't happen again for awhile.  Then a quick look at the Terlingua graveyard.  Those folks are finally chillin....   The desert is a hard and often times a place where you have to bond and accept the realities of nature.  I'm sure Lewis and Clark would have been proud.  It's all about what nature gives you...  Not much left of this year....thank goodness..... Happy New Year out there....Let's do it better

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas over Christmas

Every once in awhile you come to a place that is more than the moment.  Last night I was there.  Sitting in the red lawn chair of the future world HQ of ByMiles and the Genesis Projects.  Looking out from the side porch of the Villa Hilla #2 at the Christmas Moon over the Christmas mountains.  The flags are out and the hot tub location is locked.  Coyotes are singing and you just have to wonder why it took me so long to find this quiet place.  All are welcome and no one will be turned away.  Please bring your glass and good spirit.   Tomorrow together...where might we not go?   Tell me that one?  Peace on earth....  by miles.

Monday, December 7, 2015

You can't land here

Out in the desert you are sometimes asked to join forces with others for the good of a neighbor.  Often times out in Terlingua you might be surprised at what the community task might be.  Raising a framed wall? Repairing a roof blown out by high winds?  Searching for a lost person or even a dog? Those sorts of things happen often in this part of the world.  This last weekend's call to action was none of those.  It was "airplane recovery".  Yep, airplane recovery Terlingua style.  Meaning you crash land in Big Bend National Park and you have to carry your plane out by hand.  My good friend managed to put on some fancy piloting the other day when his engine blew up and managed to set the 205 down between a bunch of arroyos without injuring anyone on board.  Now it's up to us to haul the plane out in pieces miles over very nasty terrain by human and mule power.  No motorized vehicles allowed you know.  So, I can imagine the German tourist hiking along and running into 8 people pushing an airplane wing along on a single wheeled search and rescue stretcher.  Or maybe a couple of mules loaded to the top with aviation fuel and oil.  Next weekend will be as many folks as we can get back there to endure the task of dragging the rest of the plane in
tact several miles with human power.  Keep you posted on that one.