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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Desert Blizzards and the Pioneer Way

There is something about living in a place where you can go to bed in shorts and wake up in a blizzard.  That was Terlingua today.  From 82 degrees to 26 degrees in about 12 hours or less.  It was funny to watch the curious tourists freezing their behinds off because they didn't watch the weather.  Lot's of fire standing at the coffee shop this morning.  Even had a proposition.... Do you have space at your place for me and a dog?  Fact is I didn't so I wish them luck.  I even when out to the Rancho OM figuring this can't happen again for awhile.  Then a quick look at the Terlingua graveyard.  Those folks are finally chillin....   The desert is a hard and often times a place where you have to bond and accept the realities of nature.  I'm sure Lewis and Clark would have been proud.  It's all about what nature gives you...  Not much left of this year....thank goodness..... Happy New Year out there....Let's do it better

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