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Friday, January 22, 2016

Circus Traveler and the Java Place

Just a quick poll.  How many times have you had coffee with a hitchhiking Belgium circus performer?  Yeap,  me too.  But only once this year.  I was sitting at my favorite coffee establishment...which is the only one in Terlingua, warming myself by the pot belly stove when I guy comes up and asks if I was going to Austin.  HUM.  I'm in a paramedic uniform and driving a rescue vehicle that has Terlingua Fire and EMS all over it.  Austin?  Sounds like a plan but I had to say not today.  He shrugged and said thanks in a Euro accent and went on his way.  My buddy said that he had seen this guy doing a one man show last week at the Starlight Theater and it was awesome.  We had a big race going on in Lajitas that weekend and had a lot of "tourons" in town.  (Tourist/Moron) = tourons. Not all for sure but a few.  I suggested to my new friend Hans that he should try there for a ride to Austin. Well shit, we decided to just go ahead and take him.  Now in most EMS environments there are specific rules about transporting a foreign traveling circus performer in a city emergency vehicle but this is Terlingua and you sort of skirt the known world.  Hans spends his time traveling the world on a shoestring,  juggling and doing his show.  Sometimes alone and sometimes with a troup of friends.  What a wonderful way to spend some time.  He was thoughtful, articulate, and a keen observer.  If you ever see this guy on the road, stop and give him a ride.  He may even pay you with a juggle.  Notice the homemade juggling clubs?  They were stolen in Texas...shame on us.  He said he walked away from them for a minute and they were gone.  Then looking perplexed he said, "no one but a juggler would take these things and no juggler would steal from another."  He smiled and shook his head.  So, a toast on the weekend to my circus traveler friend and that had nomadic life making people smile.  I'm off to practice my three ball.

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