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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Don't Judge Me...

Most think it's just some smelling, lip smacking, swizzling,  and swallowing.  OK. STOP. We are talking Chilli Cookoff Judging here.  Not that.  Truthfully, it's about facing fear.  Is this one a 10 no no it's a 9.  Maybe the last one was best....it's hard to say.  The life of a cook off judge is demanding and can often times be dangerous.  Today sitting at Table D4 with my amigo was just that sort of day. You can feel the eyes of the contestants as they leer at you from outside the judging building.  All their hopes and dreams slurped up by a few unknown people.  Only one can win and it's deadly serious business.  Texture, Aroma, taste, ingredients, and spiciness all have to to be weighted and balanced in the blink of an eye.  I'm sweating just thinking about it.  The experience will stay with you long after the last spoon as been thrown away.  Believe me....uggg.  The Chilli Cookoff at the High Sierra today was no small event. Judges are sworn to secrecy during the judging.   Psst....a secret....Number 3.  It was number 3.  You didn't hear it from me.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Circus Traveler and the Java Place

Just a quick poll.  How many times have you had coffee with a hitchhiking Belgium circus performer?  Yeap,  me too.  But only once this year.  I was sitting at my favorite coffee establishment...which is the only one in Terlingua, warming myself by the pot belly stove when I guy comes up and asks if I was going to Austin.  HUM.  I'm in a paramedic uniform and driving a rescue vehicle that has Terlingua Fire and EMS all over it.  Austin?  Sounds like a plan but I had to say not today.  He shrugged and said thanks in a Euro accent and went on his way.  My buddy said that he had seen this guy doing a one man show last week at the Starlight Theater and it was awesome.  We had a big race going on in Lajitas that weekend and had a lot of "tourons" in town.  (Tourist/Moron) = tourons. Not all for sure but a few.  I suggested to my new friend Hans that he should try there for a ride to Austin. Well shit, we decided to just go ahead and take him.  Now in most EMS environments there are specific rules about transporting a foreign traveling circus performer in a city emergency vehicle but this is Terlingua and you sort of skirt the known world.  Hans spends his time traveling the world on a shoestring,  juggling and doing his show.  Sometimes alone and sometimes with a troup of friends.  What a wonderful way to spend some time.  He was thoughtful, articulate, and a keen observer.  If you ever see this guy on the road, stop and give him a ride.  He may even pay you with a juggle.  Notice the homemade juggling clubs?  They were stolen in Texas...shame on us.  He said he walked away from them for a minute and they were gone.  Then looking perplexed he said, "no one but a juggler would take these things and no juggler would steal from another."  He smiled and shook his head.  So, a toast on the weekend to my circus traveler friend and that had nomadic life making people smile.  I'm off to practice my three ball.