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Friday, April 24, 2009

Website progress and Model Photo

Good Folks,

Many of you have asked about the website. Yeah, yeah, I know I said it would be up soon. The end of the weekend is the kill me date. I'm trying to get it down before heading off to the Texas School. For you that haven't heard of it , its a massive photo workshop with about 3,000 image thieves from all over the work. Lot's of great seminars and some crazy fun.

Here is the site http://www.texasschool.org/ check it out for next year. It's in Arlingtion Texas this year.

How about a model photo to get you thinking about something else?

Here is Paula. Great model in the Denver area.

If you would like to contact Paula just let me know and I will pass it on.

Have a great weekend.


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