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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Magic in the Barrio

The last night in Seville has turned out to be the best. I found a part of the city that had escaped me. The Plaza de la Alianza is near the old city walls. On the east side of the Jardin de Alanzcar. What a magical place. The heavy old stone walls border the walkway around the passages. The street lights are dim and dance off the cobblestone. There are two or three magnificent places to eat or just have a glass of wine along the way.

the weather is perfect. Cool and a slight breeze blowing. People are happy and couples are kissing in the corners of the dark streets. In the Plaza de la Alianza, there is small fountain with a little green film along the top. Romance is everywhere.

So, my thoughts for tonight are

1. Don't take a moment for granted.
2. Never give up on anything
3. Make someone happy
4. Do only the things that make you happy.

Vaya con dios from Santa Cruz.

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