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Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1, 2010 My life, one photo a day

Amongst the fruits, nuts, and veggies I somehow feel at home. Supermarkets have to rank up there on the strangest places we visit. Strangers jammed together doing some of the most intimate of things...buying crap to stuff in their faces. You can learn alot about people by watching what they buy. The women in running clothes buying nuts, trail mix, and organic apples. Only to see the Blue Bell cookies and cream hidden in the bottom of the basket. (binger for sure) The huge guy with twinkies, supersized frozen pizza, and bakery dounuts so covered in glaze you have to wonder if they are really under there. (a real "live now man") did I mention the 7bottles of blood pressure meds and cholesteral pills. Lot's of info floating among the boxes, cans, and bags. Next time take a look.... Ciao, Miles. www.bymiles.org

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