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Monday, August 29, 2011

house for sale...area 51

Ok, My last post before dropping off the grid. I'm motor gliding with Damien my Aussie buddy from Walmart in Fallon, Nevada on Wednesday. So....if you know where my house is....go get it...but not before next Monday....I case I survive. This "house was for sale in rural nevada...near area 51.....very sensitive neighbors...

ET Phone Home

ET phone home.... Well, I don't know if ET had ATT but if they did, good luck on getting service. Nevada 375 is another bizarre stretch of asphalt that was obviously laid down by the celestial brothers because there is not a single reason for it to be there. The ET highway is 150 miles of nothing except for the last chance bar.....and the beam...


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Arizona and Utah....Nice Places

Ok. I'm a slacker. Too much play today only got me 470 miles. I did get to see Canyon de Chelly, have a dip in Lake Powell, See a bit of Zion NP, and drive down one of the most gorgeous roads around. Not a bad day. On top of that Mohammed said, " You go get nice room of hotel, now". That would be room 107 at the Knights Inn in Cedar City, Utah

I feel a houseboat week coming next summer to Lake Powell. ridiculously beautiful. Try outs will be held in May. Please be ready....

Very few times does a road make my favorite list...very few. Utah 14 is now on the list. Just crazy nice. 36 miles of alpine meadows, Zion like rocks, stark moonscapes, pine forests, and a little flat grassland at the end. Go north on Hwy 89 and turn right on Utah 14. You won't be sorry. Nevada tomorrow and Black Rock after that.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Trinity Test Site

This is the sign at the Gates of the White Sands Missile Range and more importantly the Trinity Test Site. The place were they exploded the first atomic bomb in 1945. I wanted to see it but Sergent Perkins did not want me to. Tell me that civilization has learned something from this madness.


The Ramber in the Land of Billy The Kid.

560 miles today and I didn't even make it out of New Mexico. I guess you could say I was taking my time and doing a little bit of exploring. New Mexico is an amazing state. There are so many different landscapes. High desert, dry scrub, rocky high country, and thick green ponderosa pine. "Land of Enchanntment"? Maybe? Bob Duval said it best to John Wayne in Rooster Cogburn. "That's bold talk for a one eyed fat man".

There is a small road just outside of Quemado, New Mexico near the Arizona border that is truly magic. It starts off as NM 36 but will branch off to a forest road and go high in the mountains then drop again to gravel and pavement. Desolate roads call me for some reason and this one did not disapppoint me. 103 miles of twisting and turning among Elk and Deer along the way to Gallup.
Lots of stuff in this part of New Mexico.


August 27.....The Road Warrior

With Quiet resolve the lone road warrior makes his way to the Black Rock Desert. A short stop in Cloudcraft New Mexico for some grub and back on the road. Hwy 82 from Artesia to Cloudcraft is a wonderful road. Long and desolate for the first half and a climbing green snake at the end. 627 miles so far. Wish me luck.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Docks and boats for sale...water not included

Property is expensive in Austin and the surrounding towns. Of course the most expensive property is lake front property at Lake Travis. The lake is very clear compared to other lakes in Texas and is haven for Scuba divers. As you can see the water appears very clear and all things considered it might be a good time to find a great deal on that lake front lot....

Friday, August 19, 2011

Romeo Romeo where in the hell or you?

No sort of Bar photos really explain what is going on. It was the same tonight back in Austin. I just dropped in on some dinner and the look from the bar was very entertaining. Armed with a point and shoot it looked way better than this.... So much for technology....or talent I guess. The highlight was a man and his infant daughter.... Very cool. OK. Lose the head bands! you know who I'm talking about.... to the test of time and all those who will live after you....Cheers from the street.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Deer Deer Wino's

There are certain things that you just have to like about Colorado. There are spectaular views, four seasons, 55 degree nights in August, and of course the locals... These guys were next to the fence at "Flights" wine bar this evening. Considering it was in the middle of beautiful downtown Morrison is was a very relaxing event. What is it about Mountains and things associated with them that make you feel differently? Anyone care to comment on that one? I feel a long mountain trip coming before the snows of winter. A campfire and some Cab seem to be calling....


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Face of Peking

I realized today that no one knew the outside of Peking which of course is now Beijing. It's a bit of a paradise of course for those water bugs... here is a scoop. There is something strange about the Cliff House Lodge. Not sure what is going on here but the main house seems to have a revolving door of young folks. Hummm? Not sure what the story is about the Hotel but I am bound and determined to find out... if this is my last post .... you know it was not of natural causes... Watch the Red Door..


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Formula One Racer

Adrenline Junkie....sure, Speed Freak...always.....Big Man in a small car...obviously. I wanted to take the Italian racing suit home but it was not allowed. 20.03 seconds was my fastest lap. No brakes and fear....well, ok a little fear but only a few clips of the corner. Push it to the floor....


Monday, August 15, 2011

The Peking in Morrison

I"m back in Morrison again and have returned to the Cliffhouse lodge. I'm excited about being in another room this time...The Peking Room. True to it's name it is covered with cheap chinese decorations and accessories. Very far out...east if you get what I'm saying. The temp is already starting to drop as the sun goes down. These little adventures really make you think about living in places that are hotter than the sun. Big tub in the Peking Room but no lifeguard to save you either.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hollywood and Vine

Certainly one of the more famous intersections on the planet. The question is...where is it, really? I have found a very quiet and appropriate rendition of the crossing in Glen Rose Texas. For those of you who are not familiar with Glen Rose, please ask you great great great great great...(10x 23 power) grandmother. The town is famous for Dinosaur tracks in the dry river bed. The town is quaint and a bit slow but the River City Grill is a great restaurant with wine...a big one since the county is dry and a very good menu. Not a bad place to get away for a night.... if you can handle the celebrity feel....


Friday, August 12, 2011

100,000 Words

I have been writing my thoughts for well over 25 years. Most of the years were sloppy handwritten entries into the EZ 164 Black 5x8 binder. There are tons of them. Last year was a year in pictures and this year I decided to "go digital". So tickling the computer keys have taken the place of Mrs. Garrison's classically trained hen scratch. An odd feature of the computer entries are that it counts the number of words. When I noticed this I wondered what would be the first word and last word. Along the way I started wondering about milestone words.....50,000th, 100,000th, etc.... I have decided that perhaps one of the most significant words will be the 100,000th word. It places me just about halfway into the year and that's what excited me. So, Last week in Grand Junction, Colorado sitting with a very good Cuvasion Chardonnay in a street cafe, the milestone was reached. I didn't even notice it as I wrote and it took some reverse counting to find it. But it was there. There in all it's glory and splendor. The word was also just as amazing and telling as the first half of the year. It rang true for the past as well as the future. It was a call to arms and a jem for reflection. I hope all of you take a few moments at times to write down the ebb and flow or your lives. We forget so much with the passing of time. It's nice to get a hint to help remember our journey.

99,999, LIFE, 100,001


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Time to start the fire....Burningman is coming

I can't believe it's been almost a year since the great road trip to Black Rock. My how time flies. Some big changes too. I suppose everything moves on and so will I around the end of August. The mutant vehicle is not going to make it this year. Just not enough time to mutate. Does that ever happen to anyone? I will call a yurt home this year I hope and some portable shade. It actually will be wonderful to get to the Nevada desert in August where it's so much cooler. Got room if anyone wants to make the trip... Go big or Go Home.


Monday, August 1, 2011

What happens in Sonoma stays in Sonoma, literally

I realize that sometimes a cool breeze, some sunshine, and a good wine can make people forget themselves and cause them to "loosen" up a bit, however, has this ever happened to you? One shoe in the middle of the road on Highway 12 in the Sonoma Valley. Am I the only one that wonders what happened and who it belongs to? Am I? Just to be on the safe side I did check the ditch but found no one. Not even the other shoe. So if you have any clues or ideas please let me hear from you. We will get to the bottom of this....PS. love those heels...
