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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Main Street America

I think it was in a Bruce Springsteen song.....  small town da da....  He must have been singing about one if not the most perfect main street in America.  It was long and dominating.  Every shop filled with a business.  There were people and cars and life.  It was not some entertainment district or amusement park. It was main street America.  Brooksville, Pennsylvania was the place.  Absolutely the perfect main street in the country or at least one of them.  The photo does not do it justice and for that I apologize.  Only one tiny lens this trip.  There is a court house that looks like a Norman Rockwell painting right in the middle of the long wide thoroughfare.  There almost seemed like nothing happens at the courthouse as the Courthouse grill was very quiet.  25 cents will get you two hours on the meter.  If you are ever on PA 28 North of Pittsburgh stop by for the Demi sandwich.  It will not disappoint.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Bird Man in the Nest

Non- motorized flight?  Humm.  Not really sure how that works.  Hot air and updrafts or something like that.  Well, I finally go to find out today.   Outside of Durango I took my first glider ride.  It was really a cool experience.  I have survived many a crappy landing during my "flying days", but was never in a place were you got to soar like the birds and didn't get much of a mulligan if you screwed up the landing. Stephane was great and he did let me land which I managed to do with a video camera in my hand.  Ok, he was not too happy about that or the "weeds" at the end of the runway but we survived and I got my deposit back.  What are air brakes on a glider anyway....   All in all a great experience.  If you get the chance....  go shoot the bird....in a glider I mean.   Stay tuned for the video in a couple of days.

aka  the bird man.

Monday, May 14, 2012

You Gotta Love Durango

What is it about the town of Durango, Colorado?   I just love the place.  18,000 outdoor loving, hiking boot wearing, fleece covered, bikoyackers.   One main street , plenty of restaurants, wine bars, and music.  Not to mention the San Juan Mountains in the backyard.  Just a great place.   I'm back at the General Palmer again.  I know, I said I would try another place but I just can't get away from the hand pinching single person elevator.  It's like a magnet to me.

A glass of wine at Cosmo with a classical guitar guru that may have been homeless but oh did he have the touch.  I asked Chase where he was from...."you know man....around...."  I nodded like I was solid into his universe and he said, " checked out Aspen, Santa Fe, Telluride, and now Durango,   I dig this place".  me too Chase....me too.    Tomorrow I fly like a bird...   Hopefully some moving pictures up tomorrow night.  



Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just another First Monday

It happens every month but for some reason it seemed like a long time since the last First Monday in Canton.  This sleepy little town fills up with over 200,000 junkists for 3 days and then drops back down to Sleep Hollow.  This weekend was the first time in a long while I have not made a contribution to the "Weird Collect".  I didn't have a lot of time and my dogs were tired.  Still I did see a few things that would have looked great in the Villa.  Maybe the impala horns for next time.  If you ever get a chance stop by 45 Lazy Daze Lane for a rum punch or maybe a Mexican Martini.  Viva La Villa.
