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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Bird Man in the Nest

Non- motorized flight?  Humm.  Not really sure how that works.  Hot air and updrafts or something like that.  Well, I finally go to find out today.   Outside of Durango I took my first glider ride.  It was really a cool experience.  I have survived many a crappy landing during my "flying days", but was never in a place were you got to soar like the birds and didn't get much of a mulligan if you screwed up the landing. Stephane was great and he did let me land which I managed to do with a video camera in my hand.  Ok, he was not too happy about that or the "weeds" at the end of the runway but we survived and I got my deposit back.  What are air brakes on a glider anyway....   All in all a great experience.  If you get the chance....  go shoot the bird....in a glider I mean.   Stay tuned for the video in a couple of days.

aka  the bird man.

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