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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The River of Bears

Nothing can prepare you for how enormous and wild this country really is unless you get off your ass and go take a look.  I was fortunate last week to spend a week in a place that only a few people see each year.  It opened my eyes to some very deep seated understandings.  One, I can go 6 days without Chardonnay.  Two, the caffeine headache is still awful.  Three, freeze dried food still sucks although not as much as 25 years ago.  Oh, yes and the bears.....

McNeil River Bear Sanctuary has been around for 30 years.  It's permit only and takes a bit of effort to get there.  Tides, float planes, all your supplies, and weather.  If you decide to try it and you win the lottery for a permit you will not be disappointed.  There is something about a 1200 pound wild Brown Bear 10 feet from you that will sting the senses like nothing else.  At one point our "bear guy" threw down is huge bear rifle and threw sticks at a charging boar...  900 plus pounds.  Crude but effective.

So take a look at the rest of the images if you get a chance on my website (www.bymiles.com)  Should be all up by the end of the weekend.  I would love to hear the comments.  "River of Bears".



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