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Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Travelers Bar #1

What is it about a travelers bar that strips away all the pretense and shyness?  It seems that no one is afraid to make eye contact or smile in a Travelers Bar.  Most of the time you get considerably more information in conversation than you bargained for....my wife left me, my sons on crack, I just got back from rehab, I'm going to Costa Rica for a little R &R...wink wink.  You see the sullen business traveler that always looks bored and stressed working hard to make things seem matter of fact .  The vacation travelers are super animated, they talk loud and have hats on that always seem a little out of place.  One thing I have found is the circumstances of their journey usually doesn't matter.  Everyone wants to talk and tell where they are going or where they have been.   So here is one of my favorites... Pappadeauxs in the E terminal of Bush International.  Membership is selective.  It can require a full body search, a very pricey ticket, some walking, and of course you can't bring your own utensils.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lower Queen Street

It seems these days that all big cities have some crazy hoods that form a few blocks off of downtown.  Toronto is no different but does have a twist or two.  Toronto is a melting pot of cultures from around the world.  More so than US cities I think.  The immigration at Pearson airport coming into the country is filled with a cornucopia of language that rarely includes English.  Walking on lower Queen one snowy afternoon I came across this alley.  A splash of color on a grey day brought to you by the artist unknown.   It was tucked between an arabic book store and an old antique store run by guy from Congo.  Wouldn't it be nice if this creativity and color was the only thing that separated cultures in this world.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Table for Two

Winters can be harsh in the land of the knucks.  A very cold day in Toronto does not deter the lunch crowd from getting out.  Toronto being a very cosmo city downtown is a very busy place.  Trendy shops and restaurant are scattered all along West King Street and Wellington.   My favorite is the Shore Club.  A very busy place during the rush.  Sometimes it's almost impossible to get a table, especially on the patio.  

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The comeback

It's hard to believe that you can do something for most of your life and have it feel so foreign.  Sure, I stopped for a bit.  A year or two but in the scheme of things that is not really that long.  The tennis comeback began on Saturday.  Painful, ugly, frustrating and well just plain unpleasant.   I read somewhere once that great tennis matches are usually unpleasant generally.  Unpleasantness is perhaps the only commonality that my comeback match and this statement have in common.  No great tennis here.  Just clumsy movement overlaid with back, knee, arm, shoulder, and foot pain.  Yes and the truth is is that I paid to do this.  Lao Tzu said, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".  So there you have it....  only 999 miles 5297 feet to go.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Here Bully Bully

You can always tell a person that is happy while they are working.  Often times they smile as they go about their business.  Cesar Castaneda is one of those happy workers.  Cesar manages a smile even in the those "difficult" times at work.  The number 4 matador in the world just takes the little mishaps in stride.  "Don't worry....be happy"....   Cesar successfully deflowered the Santa Maria bull shortly after taking the dirt bath.  Happy to report bull and matador are both doing fine.