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Sunday, January 20, 2013

The comeback

It's hard to believe that you can do something for most of your life and have it feel so foreign.  Sure, I stopped for a bit.  A year or two but in the scheme of things that is not really that long.  The tennis comeback began on Saturday.  Painful, ugly, frustrating and well just plain unpleasant.   I read somewhere once that great tennis matches are usually unpleasant generally.  Unpleasantness is perhaps the only commonality that my comeback match and this statement have in common.  No great tennis here.  Just clumsy movement overlaid with back, knee, arm, shoulder, and foot pain.  Yes and the truth is is that I paid to do this.  Lao Tzu said, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".  So there you have it....  only 999 miles 5297 feet to go.

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