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Saturday, September 21, 2013

First Morning

Today was a first.  First in a long time I should say.  Rumor has it that the temperature this morning at 8:00 AM  Central Standard Time in front of the Villa on the Mountain was 59 degrees.  For some that is not a note worthy  event, but for me it was big day.  I took my cup of coffee and walked out into the deserted street and just sat in the sun with the cool breeze lapping over me.  Again, nothing earth shaking about that chain of events except that today I realized how hard is to be in the moment.  Parts of me where tugging to get up and go run, clean the truck, work on the studio, do the emails, websites, mail.....on and on.  Today I found the strength to do nothing for about 30 minutes.  Nothing at all, just sit in the sun and marvel at how amazing it is to be in the moment.  30 minutes.....was that a bunch of moments put together or is it possible to have one long moment?  I'm not sure.  Anyone want to tackle that one?  I am sure that a lot of moments make a lifetime and it's crazy how hard they are to notice as they run by.  Some of you that know me might
think that I should have mastered the art of doing nothing by now but it's really harder than it looks.  There are so many books and CD's out there about clearing your mind and being in the now.  I think most of them just confuse the issue.  You may just need a good cup of Sumatran reserve, a stable plastic chair, cool air and the sun.   Leave the rest to the universe.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's never too late to Dance.

Anyone who has been to the Oldest Dance Hall in Texas can tell you....Gruene Hall is a special place.    You really never know who you are going to meet.  And it was just that way at the dancehall this Tuesday.   Tom Gilliam and his band were twisting up a number when up comes Betty Joe.  Betty Joe was near 80 and certainly had done some dancing before.   She was smooth, fearless, and a bundle of energy....  just reminds you that it's never to late to dance.  Whatever you choose your dance to be....

Wednesday, September 11, 2013



Just in time, times up, plenty of time, in the nick of time, and the worst of them all,  you have run out of time.  What is time really?  Ticks on a clock?  A morning alarm, roaming charges, airport flight boards, all of these I guess could be considered time.  Today I took my watch off for the second time in a very very long time...  I’m a bit off balance because I only know that the day is ending by the fading sun.  An average man has about 685,000 hours of time.  Yes ladies, us men know you have a bunch more.  That seems like  so long.  Can you imagine if someone told you that you were going to stay  in Mr. Maine’s detention hall for 685,000 hours? Remember how long an hour seemed? The truth is that time is slippery and fast like an otter on ice.  It flies, it dissolves, it simply falls out of your basket.  That’s not a bad thing and certainly not one that anyone can change.  Remember when the summer pasted so slowly that it seemed like it was one complete lifetime?  Now....you turn off the TV, wake up and you missed Fall.   I believe that grey hair, cranky knees, and clothes that have mysteriously shrunk in the closet are simply a wake up call.  The message is to stop screwing around and do something with your time.  Notice you time and your life.  I can’t tell you how many times someone has asked me, “what did you do last week?”  My answer, “ahhh, nothing,.....worked I guess.”   Let’s face it...time is the most valuable thing we have.  More than gold or diamonds or even the front row Stones ticket.  Crazy thing is ...it’s valued the least.  We can’t “buy more time” or “have plenty of it”  It just doesn’t work that way.

So, I would like to suggest that we all stop for one second.  Don’t ask me how many of those we have.... and just think about taking more in.  The laughter of your friends....your children....morning whoppi.... the first bit of creme brulee....evening whoppi.... you get the idea.  The watch is an evil thing on the wrong wrist.  I challenge you to make your week extraordinary and when asked that awful question....”what did you do this week?” ....have a better answer.   It’s time....

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


There is a small forgotten ghost town in rural Nevada that caused a stop and "reverse".  This old gas station gave the haunting image to me that someone had watched me drive by. It was hard to shake and even harder when I went back to take this image.  They waited thankfully until I started to leave...is that a hand in the top....Bates motel my ass.....this was no movie....

Monday, September 9, 2013

Chillin with da MAN

In the quest for peace and enlightenment one must occasionally rest.  Rest relaxes the body, recharges the mind, and quiets the soul.  Choosing to rest in the shadow of "THE MAN", is even better.  Hard to believe he would go up in smoke and flames the next night.  It is like all things......one day here and the next day gone.  Just depends on the calendar you are using at the time.   So, don't be afraid to rest all of those things that are tired.  Put down the burden for awhile and put your feet up.  Chances are the thing that you have been running after will come back by.....

Saturday, September 7, 2013

What makes you Jump?

Jumping is one of those things that seem to fade out with age.  I am thinking that occurs not because of the jump itself but mainly the landing.  Even that should be moderated because we can't launch ourselves nearly as high as we could in college.  I mean a 42 inch vertical leap requires some technique on the return to earth.  At my age I'm trying to figure out why a 6 inch jump hurts so much?  Anyone want to tackle that one?  Yes I know I have added a few stones here and there but that should only make my legs and knees stronger which would aid in the landing.....  right?  It sort of balances itself out or so it seems in my illogical mind.  Here is a toast to the jumpers in the world.  You are the few who will see the world differently if only for a brief moment.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Pharaoh and the Fire

The life of a Playa Pharaoh can be tough. One day you are cruising with the Queen of Sheba and the next night you are pulling out the stereo and thinking you should have paid more attention when your friends wired up the stereo in high school.  All in all, there is nothing like cruising the playa in the boat during Burning Man.  This is a photo of the boat during a camp stop to refuel La Crema and watch the regional pieces burn last week.  It was taken on top of Camp Fiasco and shows just a small amount of the fire in Black Rock City that night.  The fun part came in a campground in Eastern Nevada where the boat itself came under the fire....no playa pharaoh next year.  JRL you better get your design cap out.