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Saturday, September 21, 2013

First Morning

Today was a first.  First in a long time I should say.  Rumor has it that the temperature this morning at 8:00 AM  Central Standard Time in front of the Villa on the Mountain was 59 degrees.  For some that is not a note worthy  event, but for me it was big day.  I took my cup of coffee and walked out into the deserted street and just sat in the sun with the cool breeze lapping over me.  Again, nothing earth shaking about that chain of events except that today I realized how hard is to be in the moment.  Parts of me where tugging to get up and go run, clean the truck, work on the studio, do the emails, websites, mail.....on and on.  Today I found the strength to do nothing for about 30 minutes.  Nothing at all, just sit in the sun and marvel at how amazing it is to be in the moment.  30 minutes.....was that a bunch of moments put together or is it possible to have one long moment?  I'm not sure.  Anyone want to tackle that one?  I am sure that a lot of moments make a lifetime and it's crazy how hard they are to notice as they run by.  Some of you that know me might
think that I should have mastered the art of doing nothing by now but it's really harder than it looks.  There are so many books and CD's out there about clearing your mind and being in the now.  I think most of them just confuse the issue.  You may just need a good cup of Sumatran reserve, a stable plastic chair, cool air and the sun.   Leave the rest to the universe.

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