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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Viva Terlingua

Terlingua, Texas is one of those places that you really shouldn’t like except for the view and the breathtaking surroundings.  Well, Maybe that is enough.   Terlingua is old, run down and eclectic.  I have not been here in a few years and to tell you the truth it has not changed much.  It’s still the local crazy folks trying to hang on and milk the tourists out of there last few bucks.  It’s rock and sky mixed with hard purples and browns of the surrounding mountains.  

Sure I guess it’s the Chili capital of the world.  The cookoff is next on the calendar for the region on November 2 and 3rd.  Still there just isn’t much here.  Big Bend National Park just reopened from the government shut down and there were no tourists on the road.  There were plenty of park police....45 MPH in the desert?  Really.   Still there is something about bringing your beer and wine from the car and drinking it on the steps of the Terlingua Trading Post and the Starlight Theater on a perfect Friday afternoon.  Hell, it’s hard to beat a mixed six of imported beer for a ten spot in the Trading Post.   I would be willing to bet if you ever get here you would be confused and a bit off balance....but glad you came.  It’s really hard to believe you are still in Texas.

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