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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Adventure Prep

Getting a Visa always seems to be a pain in the ass.  No matter how pretty the application looks it still has it's bugs.  So, this trip I decided to go to Houston and say hello in person.  The Consulate in Houston reminded me of some sort of Alfred Hitchcock movie.  One big room with 4 desks by the window and millions of chairs.  Of course at 9:15 AM  there was no one at the desks.  The place opened at 9:00 AM.  There were however lot's of people sitting in the rows of chairs.  It sort of looked like the DMV office but without any number system or sign in.  I was lucky.  Somehow I managed to get a front row seat and when the crew came in I rushed the desks.  My handler was a wonderful American woman.  The only one and certainly the only one smiling.  She helped me with my screwed up application and sent me off to UPS, OFFICE DEPOT twice, and the ATM before the "place got crazy" as she put it.  Imagine 100 people trying to keep calm and orderly when the next agent yelled, "next person please".  No sign in and no number system", did I mention that.

So, this trip is going to be a long one.  Two months driving in an expedition truck the circumference of India up to Nepal.  Some camping and lot's of off the beaten path places along the way.  I am loaded with camera stuff so not much room for anything else.  A change of underwear....socks....some Immodium....and duct tape.  That should do it.  If the Visa ever comes that is.

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