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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ashes to Ashes

The smell of the carnage after a big fire is unique.  It immediately hit me when I got back near the place.  My nose and senses learned it many years ago as young paramedic.  Unfortunately, then there were other, more terrible smells to add to the process.  No one injured this time but a lot of things black.

My question is this.....any amateur looters out there on my facebook.  You know who you are?  What in the hell is in this photo that you would want to sneak around in the dark and steal?  I just don't get it.  I guess that begs another question.  If you don't want it anyway and someone sneaks in and takes it without permission, is that stealing?  Anyone able to shed any light on the subject let me know.  If anyone is in need of burned tin....I have a source.

What gets me even more than that is the sight of what I took in the back of my truck and what was left.  I'm going to do some serious evaluating on the material side of my life starting now.  I'm not sure I'm ready to do another downsize right now but some of the things I had always considered valuable will be given away to someone who is more oriented to take care of them.  So if you get a package from me in the near future...don't be afraid.  If you don't,  consider yourself even luckier.  I have some strange things.  And NO, I'm keeping the Vacuum.

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