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Monday, December 16, 2013

An Afternoon in Bombay

It's been awhile since I have experienced the sights, sounds, and smells of the Far East.  Strangely, not much has changed.  The continuous honking of horns, complete chaos of traffic, unfamiliar foods, and of course.....no hot water.   Still with all it's uncertainties you have to love the place.

Bombay as I am going to call it, is a sprawling mass of humanity on the Eastern side of India.  This will be my jumping off point for Goa on Tuesday by train.  I already have to change hotels because the Maderas Cricket Team is refusing to give up their rooms.  What is cricket anyway?   And so it goes.

Today I strolled the chaos looking for some food and drink and ended up with both.  The Leopold Cafe has been around since 1871.  I'm sure it was the happening place back then when British aristocrats ambled in looking for pems and ale.  Today it's a distance from that splendor but still a fun place to have some fabulous vindaloo and a big bottle of Kingfisher beer.  I would suggest the table in the back that faces the open door.  The street view will never disappoint in India.

As I walked back to my hotel I was always on the lookout for a good burger place....The beef is around but the buns are harder to find.   

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