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Monday, December 16, 2013

Laws of the Jungle

I remember my first day living in Singapore a few years ago.  I cheated death at least 3 times in the first 24 hours.  In countries where they drive on the "Wrong" side of the road, it's very very dangerous to cross a busy street...Why, you ask?  Because you look the wrong way first and then step out.  BAM...flattened  honky tourist.   Bombay is that fear multiplied by 6.  Buses, cars, motorbikes, bicycles, tuk tuks, and people are all out to mow you down.

After spending some time watching the locals it became apparent that fear and hesitation will kill you.  You just have to go for it and not stop.  Move rapidly and keep the same speed without looking at the angel of death coming toward you.  So far so good, although I did get bumped by a rather hard side mirror from a 21 ton cement truck.  I was pushed into the line of fire by a small woman in a black sheet.  I was of course walking on the wrong side and she didn't like it.  My new strategy is to find the largest group of older sandaled gents or women with children and latch onto them as they make their break.  The thinking is ....these guys have survived so far ...and would they really run over small children to kill a yankee dog like me?    I will be testing the theory this evening and hoping for the best.  There is some shiva festival going on down at the harbor and they are telling the the traffic will be crazy....(really).

I was also introduced to Satari this morning.    She will be my home off and on for the next couple of months.  The fact that I have a seat on the bus is a good thing.  The truck is really amazing when you think about where it is going and what it will be doing over the next few months..  I will enjoy the beaches of Goa over the next few days,  provided I get back from dinner in one piece.  

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