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Friday, December 20, 2013

Indian Sand .. Baga Beach

Indian Sands

Baga beach in North Goa turned out to be a very nice place.  It’s a typical beach town on the backpacker circuit.  Lot’s of cheap hotels and hostels with AC/Non AC.  Plenty of super maxi cool boom boom bars where ladies get in free and also drink free.  Ladies this is your kind of place...  The beaches are clean and there are miles of them.  It’s good to be here for a couple of days and rest.  On the beach I did notice several different kinds of sacred cows lounging around.  The animal versions seem very much at home in the sun and surf.   I doubt that they know about hamburgers yet.

My 13 hours on the train from Bombay started great but ended with a few health issues.  Must have been the mysterious  chicken lollipop that did me in.  Nothing like spending a few hours in a hot jerking rail card to get you in the mood for a long trip.  Anyway, I seem to be back in the land of the living.  At least for now.  I must press on.  

The search for La Crema continues along the Western Coast of India  but my confidence is somewhat low.  It is a learning experience for a wino however....who would have thought that Pakistan makes a wine....Muslims may be getting it after all...

Tomorrow I will venture into old Goa and see what the Portuguese left in this place.  Then it’s on the Southern Beachs of Goa for a few days.  I’m not sure what the differences might be but I will keep you posted.  There are so many Russians here most of the signs are in Russian and just an off color comment.....Russians in Goa should consider their swimsuit choices carefully.  Sacred Cow type stuff. 

1 comment:

  1. Baga beach is one of the most famous and happening beach in Goa. Click here to know about hotels near baga beach and choose according to your preferences.
