Come follow the action. Add yourself as a follower and get your invitation details.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Year's Eve, Gracias Amigos

Over the last few years there have been a few bizarre changes in my life progression.....stop the snickering.   One thing is for sure....New Years has been just one more night because I have always been working.  Tonight, I'm not and I want to say thank you to all the men and women out there in every country and city and god for sake nowheresville on the face of the earth.  THANK YOU FOR STANDING THE WATCH TONIGHT FOR THE REST OF US.  

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Waiting for the Magic

Merry Christmas 2017.   Looking for the magic.

Friday, December 22, 2017

No Reason to Stop

Just a couple of weeks before the departure.  Nothing like getting some more information about the destination before you  head out.  You have to love the phase that really gets the juices flowing...."no reason to stop".   I've been there a few times and it looks like I will be diving in one more time.  Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

You never know...

Some idle Sunday you just never know.  On the porch with Alex and Sierra and those random pieces that make it all worth while.   A toast to the things you can never place a price on.   

Friday, December 15, 2017

The Passport Pucker Factor

Just send in the old Passport to Washington.  No worries.  No you can't send a self addressed priority envelope with it to send back with a tracking number or anything.  Not unless you get someone who is loving there embassy mail room job.  Right.   It's terrifying.   I guess I could pay the big bucks to do the hand carried expedited deal.  Well, no that would cut into my La Cream budget so it's mail that puppy and hope for the best.  Today was a good day.  I got my visa before I hit the max pucker factor time limit.  Looks like it's a Kenya thang for sure.....  

Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Civilized Redneck

Frontier living is not for the faint of heart.  Hardships and setbacks are part of the daily fabric of existence here in this desolate forgotten  corner of Texas.   As I fight on against the odds, I have managed to score a victory if not of mind then of body.  Yes, my fellow life travelers ....a redneck hot tub.  Stock tank, some dry wood and the Chofu heater have increased my tolerance of the elements.  Not to mention a few bottle of La Cream for the cellar.  I am preparing for the African Plains in style.   So many surprises popping up these days it's good to soak in the quiet and look out at this view and realize.....

Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Aspen of Big Bend

Winter Sports Report: #1

Hello Winter sports fans.   Many of you have been asking for a weather update in the Aspen of the Big Bend....formally known as Terlingua.    Currently on the mountain we have blowing snow with low visibility.   Mt. Burnout has a solid base with more powder falling during the day.  Due to high winds, snow drifts could become worrisome.   Please take all necessary safety precautions and do not ski out of  bounds or in non designated areas.   Avalanche mitigation teams will be on the early tomorrow morning focusing primary around the Toilet Bowl and deep powder areas of Cocaine Drop and Mary Jane catwalk.    This report is provided by the Terlingua Desert Winter Sports Association and Downhill Club.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

A Yellowstone Summer December Day

A Yellowstone Summer December Day

I wrote this sitting on the banks of the Shoshone River one evening.  Yellowstone is a funny place, millions of tourists coming and running from tourist attraction to tourist attraction.  Few really seeing what is just off the road.   Enjoy.

Pavement Crowd

They come in droves on cobblestone
The wilderness left all alone

They drive, they stand, they take a look
at vistas listed in the book.

They watch the geysers blow and twist
and make more checks upon their list.

Their frontier is the motor way
and where they eat and where they stay.

The wonders there beyond the trees
are free to all in summer breeze.

But most these folks will find it not,
Their comfort is the parking lot.

So tell them all just what they miss,
The sky, the lake, all natures bliss.

The few who are to venture out
will be in awe without a doubt.

In places where the wilds abound
the pavement crowd will not be found.

Fast food, the phone and internet
is really what they thought they’d get.

A minute here, a minute there
moments spend in silence rare.

The time it takes for selfie shot
is time enough to mark the spot.

Their trip is based on wifi strength
and hotel food and what to drink.

Travel here is all by choice,
You will not hear my judging voice.

But if you want the other way
Come and stay another day.

Bring your boots and hiking pack
leave your car and walk a track.

And you will find a Yellowstone
that may be best when seen alone.

  1. Miles Hill     6/18/17
Yellowstone Summer  Shoshone River