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Saturday, December 2, 2017

A Yellowstone Summer December Day

A Yellowstone Summer December Day

I wrote this sitting on the banks of the Shoshone River one evening.  Yellowstone is a funny place, millions of tourists coming and running from tourist attraction to tourist attraction.  Few really seeing what is just off the road.   Enjoy.

Pavement Crowd

They come in droves on cobblestone
The wilderness left all alone

They drive, they stand, they take a look
at vistas listed in the book.

They watch the geysers blow and twist
and make more checks upon their list.

Their frontier is the motor way
and where they eat and where they stay.

The wonders there beyond the trees
are free to all in summer breeze.

But most these folks will find it not,
Their comfort is the parking lot.

So tell them all just what they miss,
The sky, the lake, all natures bliss.

The few who are to venture out
will be in awe without a doubt.

In places where the wilds abound
the pavement crowd will not be found.

Fast food, the phone and internet
is really what they thought they’d get.

A minute here, a minute there
moments spend in silence rare.

The time it takes for selfie shot
is time enough to mark the spot.

Their trip is based on wifi strength
and hotel food and what to drink.

Travel here is all by choice,
You will not hear my judging voice.

But if you want the other way
Come and stay another day.

Bring your boots and hiking pack
leave your car and walk a track.

And you will find a Yellowstone
that may be best when seen alone.

  1. Miles Hill     6/18/17
Yellowstone Summer  Shoshone River 

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