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Monday, November 9, 2009

Greetings from the field. It's been awhile and I know I promised a few more posts. Sorry, I will do better. Things have been so busy and crazy over the last few weeks. I've had to cancel my trip to the mountains of Guatamela this week. I managed to go mano a mano with the pig flu. We went the distance but I prevailed.

Halloween was a blast at the Villa Hilla. A new coat of paint and some groovy colors made the difference. How about Seaside Blue and Cherry Red. Yeap, it's a "wild thing". The truth is that I'm a terrible painter and will have do a bit more to get it right. Still the Halloween Mariachi was singing on the porch. Met lots of new folks and took a few pictures. Yes, it's amazing how many friends you have when you give away tequilla....

I had a great morning shoot with Liddie. It was cold and rainy right untill she left. Then the sun came out and it was fabulous. Check "Liddie in the robe" in face on the site.

Pictures of the crimp will be on after the next market. The mysterious Heidi also had a few pictures and will be a subject for next month I hope.

See the photo of my neighbors on the mountain. Crazy group of people. Come by and see me at 45 Lazy Daz lane.

More later.

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