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Saturday, July 31, 2010

July 30, 2010. My life, one photo a day

I don't know much about pickling but I think that is what happened to Ted Williams? This particular display honored the 4-H club winners I think. It's good to know that the skill and science of pickling will not be lost at least for a generation. While not all of the contents of the jars were identifiable, I'm sure they were properly pickled to last a lifetime. If you have rural roots maybe some older timer has a jar in the attic that has your name on it. Miles

July 29, 2010. My life, one photo a day

What is it about the local fair that makes people sit out in the sun in million degree temperatures. A few local goats and some rickety carnival rides and rural life falls into place. We urbanistas should take a lesson from the masters of clock and enjoy the slower simpler times. It's settling and inspiring to watch young kids stacking rocks for entertainment and having a ball. Get in your buggy and get out and see what is around you. You won't regret it. Miles

Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 28, 2010 My life, one photo a day

On the backroads of East Texas you never know what you are going to find. Of course there is a certain amount of uncertainty on the road. Here is proof that the road to the uncertain is not far away. Miles

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Only about 16 miles from Jefferson, Texas is the Five D's Steakhouse. There are only 467 People that live in Avinger and most of the them work at the steakhouse. If you ever get to Jefferson be sure and make the trip. The salad is killer...Honest. Miles

July 26, 2010. My life, one photo a day

The Angels B & B was just that, surrounded by Angels inside and out. A great house really. Just keep them off of me until I"m ready. Miles

July 25, 2010 My life, one photo a day

Famous child actors often describe their best roles as playing tiny 8 pound infants...MGC is no different. It's important to do the bedroom scenes well and she has this one down. I remember being this small and getting into it with a small rabbit. The bunny took me but it was not easy.....It's interesting to look at the future of the world and know it's sometimes only a few pounds and 18 inches long. ...Miles

Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 24, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Health care is often difficult to find in out-of-the-way places. That was no exception in Fort Davis, Texas. Of course, you can always get some local professional assistance if needed. There is nothing like a local Shaman to make things feel better. A toast to all those who believe and live the old ways. Miles

July 23, 2010. My life, one photo a day

On the way to look for the Marfa lights the raging lightening storm off in the West was magnificent. Texas thunderstorms during the summer come out of nowhere and only last a short time. The storms against the backdrop of the West Texas hills is a perfect scene. Miles......

July 22, 2010 My life, one photo a day

The drive down from Guadalupe National Park was beautiful and wet. A tiny shower makes the millions of low water crossings fill completely with water. At the end of the road is a true old west town named Van Horn. In the 1 hour I was in Van Horn I saw a true cowboy, a snow cone trailer, and the El Capitan Hotel. A Henry Trost designed building. The scene that caught my eye was the huge angry sky and the main street. Miles

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 21, 2010. My life, one photo a day

It's been a long time since the crash in 1947 but people in Roswell not forgotten the event. Have you ever seen a person who looks alot like there dog? Well, I think it's the same for the people of Roswell. They often do look like the things they think about. Charlie may be one of these people....you make the call. Miles

July 20, 2010 My life, one photo a day

I know you have had enough of the ancient indians but for those of you who are more "native" here is one more. Chaco canyon is a place everyone should go once in their lives. It's desolate and hard to reach but well worth the drive. Located in Central New Mexico about 60 miles for nowhere. The structures there are massive and all over the place. I hear it's quite the party at the solstice. The amazing thing about Chaco at least in July is that no one is there. Where else in the world can you walk in this setting without another human being anywhere around. Take the Palo Alto trail to get above the Casa Bonita structure. MIles

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 19, 2010. My life, one photo a day

There are few places in the world that make the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Ancient American indian ruins are one of those places. Big or small it really doesn't matter, they always do the same thing to me. Thinking of the lives that lived there and the hardships that were endured just to survive puts things into perspective. I'm worrying about my wireless internet connection going in and out in Farmington, NM. Mesa Verde is an amazing place. The Mesa is over 7000 feet high and the views are breathtaking. The ruins are tucked into the cliff faces of the deep canyons on top of the Mesa. Balcony house is small and very difficult to reach. There are tiny tunnels and lots of ladder climbing. I have to say it's worth it. Never forget there was someone breaking the ground before you...Miles

July 18, 2010. My life, one photo a day

About 40 miles South of Montrose, CO is one of my favorite towns in the world. It's the tiny mountain town of Ouray, Colorado. Nestled in a tight valley along a winding two lane road, it really does make you feel like you are in another country. The whole town sits on the one main street with only a few blocks on each side. The high cliff walls make a spectacular backdrop for a glass of wine at the Bon Ton. The forest access road above Ouray will take you on a crazy drive that will test your fear of heights and the 4 wheel drive. If you get the chance make sure you take the time to stop in. If it's the summer, look us up. We may be in residence. More details on One More Mile.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

July, 17, 2010 My life, one photo a day

A colorado summer....cool, sunny, perfect......really. A comfortable 102 today. OH, but it's a dry heat. 102 is 102. Period. Hotter than the sun, fry an egg hot, oven type heat. It's just plain hot. The old freight warehouse that is NOISE is not made for that kind of temp. The old fans are out and the doors are open. Speaking of that, I managed to get locked out tonight. The thought of sleeping on the hard brick was not what I had hoped for tonight. The Big Mega Road trip begins in the morning. Stay tuned on the blog and follow the detours on ONE MORE MILE. Ciao, MIles

Friday, July 16, 2010

July 16, 2010. My life, one photo a day

The McFlurry...Love it to Bits... Yes, it's true. I went to Micky D's and had some ice cream. The walk and the people were awesome. You really don't have to go far to find some amazing stuff. My McFlurry had Oreo cookie crumbs in it and WHEW WEE it was a show stopper. Now it's back to work getting ready for the big road trip. Follow the miles on ONE MORE MILE, the travel newsletter. If you aren't getting it, you suck. Just email me at miles@bymiles.org and I will get you on and you won't suck anymore. Enjoy and remember, eat desert first and often. Miles

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15, 2010. My life, one photo a day

You really don't have to go far from home to find excitement, music, passion, and life. 400 yards from the door of NOISE it happened tonight. The Latin Rhythms Music festival is in full swing. A fantastic night almost missed because we thought it was a political ad? I know, I know, too much time south of the border. Wonderful passionate music with an entire neighborhood dancing and singing. You just have to get up and look to find the magic....Viva la vida..... Miles

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 14, 2010. My life, one photo a day

If you ever visit the Denver area, please try to take in a concert at Red Rocks. It's an incredible natural rock outdoor theater. The acoustics are supposed to be the best in the world. Standing sentry over the back gate is the "miner". If no one is playing run down and get on stage. Live the dream for a few seconds, Maybe a quick chorus of a ZZ TOP song would be appropriate? Mix some big red rocks with a blue cloud sky and you do have some might pretty scenery. Miles

July 13, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Do you ever feel like tap dancing in your kitchen. Yeah, me too, but I don't own any tap shoes. Thanks God someone does and will dance in the kitchen. I think tap shoes must be more rare than the old multi colored bowling shoes. I loved those shoes. Maybe some day I will find a good pair and nail some metal to the bottom. Then tap dance my ass off in the kitchen. I hope everyone liked the newsletter? I would love some feedback? There will be more coming your way. Enjoy and don't miss the chance to dance in the kitchen.


July 12, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Downsizing is a bugger. I have written about it before but it never stops amazing me. My old friends from the Mask collection are going to be heading for some storage unit somewhere to await their faith. All of those things that at some point in time seemed so important just don't stand the test of time now. I wonder if we do the same thing with people? Maybe sometimes it makes sense to have a garage sale with people from the past? Miles

Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11, 2010. My life, one photo a day

If you are traveling west on I-40 just outside of Amarillo, Texas, take a look to the south when you get to the place that looks like the Panhandle. Yes it's art. It's the Cadillac Ranch created by Mr. Stanley Marsh 3 in the 70's. 10 vintage caddies buried in the dust at the same angle as the Chiapas pyramids. Epcot Center and Six Flags can learn a lot from these nose diving pieces of Americana. Some spray paint and a license to tag makes for ridiculous entertainment on the plains. It doesn't matter if you are 7 or 70 everyone like to twist out a little graffiti. Remember ...... Mary loves johnny 4 ever... Here is your chance. The Cadillac Ranch West of Amarillo. Don't miss it. Miles

One More Mile...travel news...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 10, 2010 My life, one photo a day

EUREKA, it's the Springs. What a great and eclectic little town in the Ozarks. I really do love this place. I"m not sure about the healing properties of the water but I know for a fact that a glass of super overpriced Chardonnay tastes pretty good from the Basin Park balcony. Don't miss the town especially in the Fall when the leaves are changing. More on Eureka in "ONE MORE MILE"

July 9, 2010 My life, one photo a day

Deep in the backwoods of the Ozarks is treasure. It's not buried or underwater. It's actually on the side of a winding mountain road on the way to Eureka Springs. The Burger Barn is just a few few off of Arkansas 23. Ifs not big but does include two picnic tables and a whole host of recreational activities such as horseshoes, golf, basketball, volleyball and washers to name a few. The mysterious face in the window was not much on taking but was long on cooking. He handed out one of the best burgers I have ever eaten. It was also one of the biggest. Thank god I didn't get the triple. Do the world a favor and if you ever end up in an out of the way place and see someone doing something amazing whether if be food or art or entrepreneurship, STOP. Those who travel owe them a debt. They make an often mediocre stretch of road more interesting. If you don't believe me....read the "ONE MORE MILE newsletter coming your way soon. Miles

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8, 2010. My Life, one photo a day

Have you ever been to a place that defies understanding? Or at least found a place name that makes you take a second look? Certainly, toad suck square would fit that bill. Conway, Arkansas is home to toad suck square and the annual toad suck daze?? You should hear the story. Read it in the newsletter. Miles

July 7, 2010. My life, one photo a day

On a lonely road in rural Arkansas a single sign has the meaning of life. Pay attention, sometimes the real message is just a few feet away. So stop going 70 miles an hour and slow down and read the road... MIles

July 6, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Few places in the South have more flair than Ernest's in Shreveport, Louisiana. Ernest doesn't come around much any more but if you hit the night right you can be served by his son "Cherokee". I would recommend the crab au gratin which has at least a family of crab in it. You can also dance the night away with Don Mason on the 8 by 8 dance floor. Stay tuned for the travel newsletter for more details....."One More Mile" will give you the skinny...MIles

July 5, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Louisiana is often like the reptile house at the zoo. The air is so wet in Shreveport that even a "lasko Grande" can't move it much. If you get close enough you can muster up enough energy to have a sip wine without going down. Well, they say it's good for the skin. Miles

July 4, 2010. My life, one photo a day

Happy Birthday America. Nothing like having a wonderful time at the Villa with my girl and drinking a few PIGS. More on those later... As many of you know...I always dress up for a birthday party. There was even a nice fireworks display over the flea market.... come by and have a rita and a pig at 45 Lazy Daze Lane. The rita machine is awesome. Miles

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 3, 2010. My life one photo a day

There are many things that must come together to make the "Villa Hilla" the place it is. Hard work, sweat, frustration, and yes pain. Denise and I both felt it this July weekend. But with all labors of love it came together to produce something perfectly weird that fits like a fine shoe...Miles

July 2, 2010. My life, one photo a day

This is a photo of the offending sign after it was touched up. Nothing was broken but it did put a small hitch in my git a long. Such is the price of fame..Miles

July 1, 2010. My life, one photo a day

A master craftsman practicing his trade.....right. actually I am terrible at any home improvement projects. This was just a few minutes before my attempted reverse dunk of a sign on the roof. That failed attempt resulted in a high altitude head plant into the soggy ground below. My luck held out and I landed between two very narly pieces of wood. With only 4 more lives left I need to be more careful...MIles

June 30, 2010. My life, one photo a day

If you are ever wondering where the Garden of Eden is...it's a few miles north of Lucas Kansas. I'm not sure what kind of garden it is but I'm sure it's got something to do with wheat. I did hear it was where Toto was finally laid to rest. That makes it the highest point in that part of Kansas. Miles

June 29, 2010. My life, one photo a day

I remember the Big Crayon box with 128 colors. I"m certain that even the big box never had anything like this. Mother nature can sure mix some paint. I miss the brilliant sunsets on the flatland. The mountains just don't come up with the same things. Miles

June 28, 2010. My life, one photo a day

As you drive around the country you realize that there are so many lifestyles and stories in this land. Rural Kansas leads you to a Dairy Queen, in the Dairy Queen is a young girl working to twist up a beltbuster or a blizzard for the hungry locals. The only unique issue here is the fact that she is in traditional Mennonite dress.... Nope folks, we are not always the same. Miles

June 27, 2010. My life, one photo a day

You don't have to look very far for something odd. Who comes up with these things? You just have to wonder as if the airports aren't strange enough. Miles

June 26, 2010 My life, one photo a day

My friends, sorry for the large number of posts today. I have been off the grid for a few days and the photos have been piling up.

It's rare to see a double rainbow even in Denver. This one was all the way to the ground on both sides. I am still looking for the pot of gold at the end of it but so far it's just out of reach. Miles