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Tuesday, November 6, 2012


What is it about a place or a thing from your past that acts as a key to open doors to feelings and thoughts long since locked away.  They are always so different than the picture memory paints. Those places are often faded and run down without the size and color provided by our old imagination.   Maybe that is what makes it all so amazing that the fragments of our youth can open such deep feelings and thoughts.  This old tennis court was the only court with lights in town.  My family lived across the street but I lived here.  Endless summers of imaginary tennis matches against the greats of the day.  Early morning practices by myself that would later lead to living most of my adult life within the game.  Today I needed to remember the single minded focus that was mine in those years long ago.  Today I needed to remember what is possible.  Today I wanted to relive the power of chasing my dreams.  The years muffle the sounds but do not silence that voice.  Today I needed to remember not to forget.


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