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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wicked Rich

227. 76 Million after Tax

So what if I do win?  Someone has to win at some point.  What would I be doing with my 227.6 Million bucks?  Well, let’s see.  I would spend it of course.  I’m a single dude, no kids, or real family.  I could do the redneck millionaire thing without a lot of trouble.  So...

First I would plan to spend it over ten years.  I’m no Spring chicken either so let’s get on with it.

10 years = 22.76 Million per year     

So, follow me....not bad money.  Slightly more than I make now.  Let’s take a look at the essentials for year one and approximate costs.

TempurPedic bed 5650 My back sucks

Ranch in Colorado (large)      1,990,000 I hate neighbors and 1300 acres works                           
                                                                                for me

Tricked out truck (Chevy)         53,000 I like to be able to look down into other 
                                                                                 peoples car windows.

5900 Sq.ft House (Austin)      1,100.000 Once I Longhorn always a Longhorn

150 cc. Vespa     (Red) 6200 Parking a big truck in Austin sucks.

Hill Country Ranch (Texas)       879,000 A Texan needs a place to BBQ

Apple Super Computer (Desk)      9980 Cowbird Stories in comfort

Dallas Cowboy tickets  (10)        13,250 Don’t ask me why....Romo?

42 ft. Super RV with hot tub     245,000 I hate service station bathrooms

Buy Flea Market  (Texas)      2,300,000 Love to Junk.  The Mountain as they 
                                                                                call it, is loaded with eccentric folks 
                                                                                that should be preserved.

54 ft. motor Yacht in              1,550.000 I love the water and can’t sail a lick

Patek Phillippe Watch                46,000 I hate being late

Apartment Aspen (large)      3,450,000 Sometimes it’s hot in Texas

Sonic toothbrush  (red)                  195 The thought of dentures scares me
House in Bali  (medium)     1,100,000 I’m a sucker for EAT, PRAY, LOVE
                        Does it work in Reverse?

Endowed Chair of Leisure
Studies, UT Austin 2,000,000 Deep science has always fascinated 

Endowed Campus Party   450,000 200 kegs of beer annually free to 
                        students seems like a fitting thorn in the 
                                                                                Universities side after all these years.

Bugatti Supersport Auto    1,300,000 If Madonna can own one....Please...
                        “material man...oh oh material man...

Apartment Paris (central)  2,600,000 Ah...the city of lights.  Fresh bread and
                        a heavy Cab...

World Wildlife Fund              500,000 I watched Wild Kingdom as a kid.

Bullfighting lessons       1500         Bloodless of course, and the shoes, oh
                        the shoes....

Guitar Lessons (10)   10,000        Eric Clapton is not cheap

Some spending money          25,000 That way I don’t always feel like I’m 
for friends                 paying.

Build Clinics in Latin         1,000,000 Nothing stronger than Karma

RED video camera                75,000        Gotta keep a record of the journey

Anonymous Gifts to            500,000        Again Karma
complete strangers

Dinner at Hiro’s sushi                 500       Good for you too

15,000 Acres Big              1,524,650      Love the high desert.  It’s close to the 
Big Bend, Texas              Terlingua Chili Cookoff.

Best Seats US Open             25,000      If you don’t get hit with sweat, 
Tennis                                                                  you aren’t close enough.

Good start to the first year of filthy richness.  

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