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Friday, February 7, 2014

Live from Kathmandu

Kathmandu is a very cool place.  I have read about it for years and heard stories from the old Hippie trail days about it’s exotic feel and soft culture.    There is a lot of true to that you just have to throw in some music and cell phones to round it off.  Somehow I managed to stay in a hotel  that was about 2 kilometers from the Thamel, the center of the real city.  Always stay downtown in the thick of things.  Bad mistake.  It’s a life or dead situation crossing that many streets especially at night.  I do love the narrow streets and the amazing amount of things for sale.  I wonder if anything is left in Tibet or the countryside.   My feeling is that Nepal and India are night and day.  Maybe some of that goes back to working so hard to make an atomic bomb or working to corner the programmer market.  I don’t know.  I think the life would be more relaxed if a Nepali answered the phone when you called Bank of America.  Even if they said their name was Peggy.   Most of them just seem to have a kinder way about them.  Rickshaws and Temples also go together better than huge mounds of rotted garbage and open sewers.  So, make a stop in Calcutta and then roll through Darjeeling and spend a week in Kathmandu.  Namaste.

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