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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Truesila River, Nepal

I’m sitting here on the balcony of my bamboo hut that overlooks the might Truesila River in South Central Nepal.  It’s winter here so they tell me the water is quiet from what it will be later in the year.  The snows of the mountains will melt and make this river a monster.  From the looks of the water line on the rocks my hut could be in danger.  I’m having the last of my Old Monk and marveling at this beautiful place.   Already I have come to like Nepal much better than India.  The scenery is spectacular and the people are very warm and friendly.  But things are hard here.  I am forever moved by how impossibly hard people work here and how difficult life is.   People from my world have no idea what this life would be like.  I watched some locals a few minutes ago going by with heavy loads on their heads and holding a very young child.   I watched them walk up a steep hillside that I would have trouble getting up on the best of days, and then disappear in the distance.  Never slowing or resting.    As night fell I could make up two men carrying huge piles of brush that completely covered them as they walked.  They decended a steep face that a goat would trouble staying on and then climbed again in the darkness.  Our local guide said they were going to make fence posts for sale in the market.  The entire bundle would be worth about 30 cents.  

Those experiences come in hard contrast to me bitching about carrying 3 wine bottles, some cheese and a 24 pack of cokes to the truck a crappy parking spot a 40 yards from the Brookshires door.   The fact is they still smile and laugh and wave as you go by.  Maybe they have the secret to it all.  Complaining and procrastinating will not get you one step closer to the market.  That would mean that you have one less moment in time to do what you really love.....whatever that may be.... 

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