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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20, 2010 My life, one photo a day

The church exorcist in Chichicastenango is multi-talented. He is clearing the church of evil spirits with his incense and running off the occasional drunk. Chichi is the biggest and boldest of the indian markets in Guatemala. The second class bus ride over was like being stuck in a huge video game with a million other amigos. Lots of G FORCES at work on the mountain curves. Changing buses was like passing the Olympic torch from one person to another. You never stopped or even slowed down, you just ran from one to the other as they were moving. The "get off" in Chichi amounted to being spit out of the anus of the bus as it slowed down. The "humble Campesino" and his side kick "Mashenito" did provide a safe ride and some grand memories. Tomorrow the market and the absolute chaos that goes with it. Until then from Chichi.

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