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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27, 2010 My life, one photo a day

I rarely talk about domestic travel but today I am making an exception. It's cheaper and more cleansing than a visit to the shrink. My favorit airline continues in its downward spiral with the association with the worst airline I know, "United". This is a picture of one of the two "flight attendants" sitting down reading the paper, the other was knitting in the seat next to her. The fellow next to me asked for a pillow and this attendant said, "nope, we don't give those out anymore, no customer service any more", her exact words. Reading the paper while passengers were asking for assistance. "nope, no customer service any more".
The rest of the story would take up a volume, sufficient to say that Continetental said, "oh well, no customer care supervisor is around " (I am truly shocked) you could write them an email, but you have to call to get the address.....amazing.

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