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Monday, July 29, 2013

Flipping out on the Island

It's flipping me out to leave the Bay Islands. Last morning on the Roatan and I'm kind of sad to leave.  The weather is wonderful and I will miss the relative cool of this place.   Tomorrow it's back to the world of rushing, stress, and the grab all you can mentality.    I am going to do my best to refocus my attention on what makes me happy and things and people that SHOULD be in my life.

NOW FOR THE RESULTS:  Thanks to all who participated in the "Do you know my color of chair contest".  Even those of you that were woefully wrong.  Many however were correct, the answer RED.
The first correct answer was received from LAC in S'port.  Congratulations on winning the stunning first prize brought to you by the Island of Roatan and the Honduran Government.   Cage not included.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tropical Exit

I had a wonderful night dive last night and even survived the trip back to dock. Boat lights are not a standard feature in West Bay so missing the shallow reef tops and other lightless boats in the sea of darkness is a little dicy.   A wonderful turquoise octopus entertained me for a few minutes last night and was the start of my video.  A deep dive this morning has finished off the diving and tomorrow it's back to the mess.  The rest of the time I am going to spend in one of these four chairs.....anyone know enough about me to guess which one?  Sorry only one entry per person.  All applicable rules and taxes apply....

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Tropic of Chardonnay

Civilization is measured in the finer points of living.  A sound roof over your head, infant mortality, clean water, the absence of violence..... and of course the selection of premium white wine.  In the case of Honduras....a dry Chardonnay.  Just about any country can have a decent red but a Chard?  Simply a test of sophistication.   The Vintage Pearl was the oasis in the desert so to speak.  Some sushi, a very good Creme Brulee, and of course Sonoma Coast Chardonnay.  It was not La Crema at the Forge but still along the same "oasis" thinking.   So Roatan will go down in my book as a place that can be lived in...  

Friday, July 26, 2013

Going, Going, Gone

Living out in the piney woods you forget what a wonderful sight a sunset is.  There are just too many damn trees.  Today was a most perfect sunset down here in the Bay Islands.  A comfortable chair, good drink, and a bite of quiet makes a fitting ending to the day.  No diving today.  Just some thinking and writing mixed with some peaceful time.  I wonder why it seems so impossible to do that when I'm back in my world.  I'm going to vow to do better at that.  Remember, never miss the sunset....

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Turtle time

There are very few things that are as calming and graceful as a sea turtle.  Ernie, my dear Honduran friend and I had a moment together on the West End Wall today.  I'm not sure it was as nice for him as it was for me.  I told him about my troubles, finding peace, money, relationships, and finding a good chardonnay in Central America.  He nodded or so I thought and was off on his way.  It's funny how some times it's just soothing to talk to a friend even though they don't say anything back...just being able to tell your story is enough.   Ernie....wherever you are now.... swim slow and light and make sure you are looking for the thing or lifeform you should be with.....

Taxi, Taxi, Taxi

What do you think the life of a water taxi driver would be like?   I'm thinking pretty calm.  Slowly gliding up and down the coast providing a valued service to the community.  That doesn't sound too bad.  Anyone know how many miles you can get out of a ten gallon can and a 100 horse evinrude?  I would think the biggest question would be...can you make change?   I am also scoping out the security job at the local Bananarama.  My one concern is that the 60 foot stretch of sand I would be patrolling would become a little boring in time.  Still you get to wear a cool duty belt with all kinds of pouches and stuff.  No gun of course but you can put all kinds of things in the holster.   Right now, I guess I am leaning hard on the "Polaroid instant photo" beach photographer.    I mean that is instant gratification for the masses.  Still not sure but will keep looking.

Congrats to JRL for winning the "name that phrase" contest.  I knew someone would know.    The answer....The LAST Whole Earth Catalog.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Roatan Down Under

Sea life is abundant under the turquoise water here on the West Bay.  The bright sun is mixed with short heavy rains that come and go.  That makes for some good down time whether you want it or not.  Now I'm sitting in a bright green chair on the dock watching a big storm sprint across the horizon. It's a chill morning for me with some diving planned in the afternoon.  Not a bad way to spend a day, listening to the parrots in the trees outside the window and day dreaming.  "Stay hungry, stay foolish".  Anyone remember where that came from?  let me know and you could be a winner.....

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I got this crazy little go pro camera months ago and never did much with it.  Holy Mackeral this thing is cool.  Still don't know how to use it but it's fun.  I'm going to do a few videos from the deep over the next couple of days so prepare yourselves.    I am just now getting into that island mode where you don't go to bed thinking about what you will have to do when you get back.  It's a nice thing when you can forget and relax.  Last night a long walk on the beach in a near full moon but some things in the oven for thought.  I also battled a very game sand crab in dark on the way back.  I will consider it a draw but he may think different.

More diving today to a deep wreck.  Love those wrecks and the stories they hold.  Speaking of stories, Captain Vern the ferry boat owner was murdered, so no ferry to Utila.  I little bummed by that but I'm sure not as much as Capt. Vern.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Paradise Found

Every time I leave the US for a while I start thinking about the pace and cadence of our lives and why we do what we do.  That is especially true when my travels take me to the tropics.  It's slower, people talk and laugh more.  You really have to look to see stress.  Most of the time you only see it in yourself when you look in the mirror as you brush your teeth.  It doesn't seem like a bad place to live really.  The place is the Bay Islands of Honduras.   The West Bay of Roatan is secluded and quiet with some of the best close diving in the Western hemisphere.  This morning Turtle Reef did not disappoint.  A hammock, some good rum, and quiet.  It's a great place to check your compass and recharge life.  I certainly need it.  Slow down, live in the moment,  don't let life force you in a direction you don't want to go.